Malaika Uwamahoro

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Malaika Uwamahoro (formerly Angel Uwamahoro, born 1990) is a Rwandan-born actress, poet and social justice activist.



"Artist Malaika Uwamahoro on telling triggering topics shunned by the society" (2022)

"Artist Malaika Uwamahoro on telling triggering topics shunned by the society",] (January 25, 2022)
  • My messages are mainly about bringing into discussions topics that our societies shy away from but are at the core of issues that we deal with.
  • At times it’s challenging because I have to teach myself new skills.
  • Poetry can be really heavy and being able to carry those emotions and hold them is something I get from my acting skills.
  • I have a lot of content in music and poetry that is waiting for me to make visual content for it.
  • If anybody is out there and wants to make their own content with big ideas, keep that dream but also scale it down to make it possible with what you have.
  • It took some time but it’s because it required a huge set.
  • This is an atrocity that happens and my hope is the piece pulls people in to be witnesses of what they are denying.
  • When I find it hard to write or create, it’s often a sign to take a break and be with family and friends, but to also move in your body by doing some exercises.
  • Sometimes, you need to completely take a break from creating and watch other people do their arts and allow yourself the time to get inspired from that.
  • Stay true to yourself and work hard to become the person you dream to be.
  • I am not going to say it’s easy but it’s definitely worth it when you love it and when you know what you are capable of and willing to go through thick and thin to make sure that what you envision for yourself becomes true.
  • Create a work ethic that makes you stand out from people who just consider art as a hobby.
  • However, as Rwandans, we need to realise that there is more that we can do to contribute to the life of an artiste.
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