Lung Ying-tai

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Democracy is knowing that we don't have to pledge loyalty to any political party, don't have to please anyone.

Lung Ying-tai (Chinese: 龍應台; born 13 February 1952 in Kaohsiung) is a celebrated essayist and cultural critic, with a total of 17 published titles to her credit in Chinese. She was the Cultural Minister of Taipei in 1999. During her 4-year term as cultural architect of the city she has designed as well as practiced a new concept of cultural policy. Lung's poignant and critical essays contributed to the democratization of Taiwan and as the only Taiwanese writer with a column in major Chinese newspapers, she is considered one of the most influential writers in Mainland China as well.


  • 錦濤先生,作爲一個臺灣人,我實在不在乎團團和圓圓來不來臺北,雖然熊貓可愛得令人融化。
    • (Source:請用文明來說服我──給胡錦濤先生的公開信)
    • Mr. Hu Jintao, being a Taiwanese, I don't really care much about the Pandas coming to Taipei or not, even though these cute things melt our heart.(Source:請用文明來說服我──給胡錦濤先生的公開信)
  • 民主是什麼?民主就是發表了任何意見不怕有人秋後算賬;民主就是權利被侵犯的時候可以理直氣壯地討回,不管你是什麼階級什麼身份;民主就是不必效忠任何黨,不必討好任何人...
    • (Source:請用文明來說服我──給胡錦濤先生的公開信)
    • Translation:What is democracy? Democracy is to be able to publicize any opinions without fear, knowing that there aren't going to be any persecution at a later time; Democracy is for anyone, from whatever social class, to be able to maintain one's rights if there was violation; Democracy is knowing that we don't have to pledge loyalty to any political party, don't have to please anyone.
  • If one day I have a stroke, then that will tell me that being ROC Culture Minister is not worth it for me. As long as I am still in this position, I will definitely do my best until one day when I decide that it is not worth it anymore.


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