Luchy Donalds

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Luchy Donalds (born 1991) is a Nigerian actress who has featured in several Nollywood movies. Luchy Donalds attended Mount Camel Premier School for her primary and secondary education. She attended Tansian University, Umunya in Anambra State for her tertiary education where she earned a bachelor's degree in microbiology.


  • To keep to myself and understand that it takes only God and His grace to break into stardom
  • Every man loves good things and that includes pretty women.
  • I do not support divorce but at the same time, I feel that married people should devise better ways of handling their issues, rather than resort to divorce.
  • I intend to keep my marriage by being extremely submissive to my husband, and by not letting fame get into my head so much so that it will make me look down on my future husband
  • To me, sex is deep and I feel it should be given to only the person who is worth it. Sex creates connection and is a way of bonding.
  • I feel if producers bring out good money and make quality movies, if piracy can be flushed out and possibly YouTube movies made to be viewed by only people outside Nigeria, then the industry will have more value.
  • I’m versatile, I add extra spice; I say crazy and funny things that are not in the script. For me, challenge is being hated by people I refused to let in between my legs, and success is unexplainable because I give it all to God.
  • Most times the best way to handle annoying comments on social media is simply to ignore them but if not, then give the person a dose of his/her medicine because they fail to realise we are equally humans.
  • My face, my beautiful body figure. God Almighty has blessed me with beauty and I know that goes a long way but most importantly is my talent. This is paramount because with beauty and no talent, your brand as an actor will not sell. So my talent speaks for me and that sells me.
  • Feminism to me is advocating for the “equal rights” of women. It is about understanding and accepting the equality of the sexes; socially, economically and politically.
  • Compliments are supposed to be like little confidence boosters. A compliment is when someone expresses their admiration for how well we did something or how well we look. A kind word really does go a long way. Especially, when we are single and it comes from the opposite sex. But not everything that comes from the opposite sex our culture deems endearing is a compliment. Like being called “sexy!” “Sexy” in our society has become a replacement adjective for “beautiful” or “nice-looking”, but I have to be honest with you—this type of compliment to describe a woman’s beauty is totally inappropriate.
  • For a man to call you (a woman he isn’t married to) “sexy”, is him expressing his unrighteous lustful desires toward you and The Scriptures are clearly against being drawn away by the lusts of the flesh. As women, we are to be respected (and act) as dignified beings created by The Most High. We are to teach others how to respect us by controlling what we allow. And allowing random men to call you “sexy” is a form of disrespect.
  • My ultimate dream is to become Africa’s Best Actor, to break into Hollywood as well. Most importantly to be known as a very deep actor.
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