London After Midnight (film)

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London After Midnight is a 1927 film about the abandoned home of a wealthy man who supposedly committed suicide five years earlier is taken over by ghoulish figures.

Directed by Tod Browning. Written by Waldemar Young, based on Browning's short story "The Hypnotist".
The Man of a Thousand Faces in a Great Detective Thriller!  (taglines)


Miss Smithson: Honest, Sir James... they're dead people from the grave! Vampires is what they are!
Sir.James Hamlin: Professor Burke is to be our house-guest, Williams. Have rooms prepared for him.
Professor Edward C. Burke: It's unnerving, Mr. Hibbs! The new maid swears to your Uncle that she saw living dead people in the Balfour house!
Sir.James Hamlin: Burke, I've called you in again because I believe these strange people leasing Balfour's house link up with his death.
Professor Edward C. Burke: We found his note... and his own pistol beside him! That's suicide, isn't it?
Sir.James Hamlin: Then what can it all mean? Mysterious people! Lights! Weird noises! And come... see this!

Sir.James Hamlin: Burke... look! It is Roger Balfour!
Sir.James Hamlin: Come, Burke! We're helpless before such creatures as these!
Arthur Hibbs: For one who doesn't believe in vampires, you've taken a sudden interest in them!
Professor Edward C. Burke: Perhaps it's for the same reason that you did, Mr. Hibbs! Be brave, my dear. Follow my instructions tonight. Young man, I'll take one of your cigars... and have a little talk with you. I've suspected you for a long time, Hibbs.
Arthur Hibbs: Yes? And I've suspected you!

Professor Edward C. Burke: Lucille, I am going to reveal to you that your father did not die by suicide!
Lucille Balfour: You can't mean that someone killed my father!
Professor Edward C. Burke: am going to ask you to put yourself in my hands... to do whatever I say... no matter how trying it may be. I want you to promise to keep this a secret... from everyone.
Lucille Balfour: Mr. Burke, you make me feel that I should trust you... that you are my friend.
Arthur Hibbs: What was he saying to you?
Lucille Balfour: I can't tell you! Please don't ask me!
Arthur Hibbs: I don't trust him! Why wouldn't he let Uncle send for the police last night? And now he is getting you under his spell!
Lucille Balfour: Oh, Arthur... he says that someone killed my father!


  • LON CHANEY in a great Scotland Yard Mystery
  • The Man of a Thousand Faces in a Great Detective Thriller!

