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Time changes everything.

Journeyman is a 2007 American science fiction television drama created by Kevin Falls for 20th Century Fox Television which aired on the NBC television network. The series is about a San Francisco journalist who begins to involuntarily travel backwards through time where, much to the consternation of his wife and brother, he meets his ex-fiancée who supposedly died in a plane crash.

Season 1

I guarantee you, you have not been where I have been.
Hugh Skillen: Don't you have a wedding anniversary tonight?
Dan Vasser: [realizing] I forgot to pick up her ring.
Hugh Skillen: I've seen this movie before.
Dan Vasser: Hey, I don't need you in the kitchen when it comes to my marriage.
Hugh Skillen: Yes you do.
Dan Vasser: Yeah you're right.

Nicole: Do you regret it; having a kid?
Dan Vasser: I'd do anything right now to get back to him.
Nicole: Good luck with that.

Dan Vasser: I think I just helped [Neal Gaines] start a family.
Katie Vasser: Well that's great, how about sticking around here and saving this one.

Hugh Skillen: I've been where you've been.
Dan Vasser: I guarantee you, you have not been where I have been.

Dan Vasser: I'm not what you married, and I'm sorry about that... I'll always come home.
Be incredibly lucky and meet the right person.
Jack Vasser: I don't want to be your first phone call anymore when you have marital problems.
Katie Vasser: Wow, its good I came in person. It must be so much more gratifying saying that to my face.
Jack Vasser: You married my bother Katie, I can't just shrug it off and carve the Christmas turkey.
Katie Vasser: I didn't leave you for him and I'm not the reason Livia died.

Livia Beale: You wanna join the mile high club?
Dan Vasser: Can I ask you something? If I am here for a reason, if I am following someone, why are you here?
Livia Beale: [Evasively] I don't know.
Dan Vasser: It's me isn't it, you're following me?

Tanna Bloom: You haven't changed at all.
Dan Vasser: Neither have you.
Tanna Bloom: Oh God, please tell me I have.
Dan Vasser: Alright, you have.
Katie Vasser: Is it something you were born with, is it genetic, in the DNA; that's what I'd like to know?
Dan Vasser: It's hard to say.
Katie Vasser: What ever. [Dan and Katie walk into the bathroom] Here's the bottom line, when you're done the [toilet] seat goes down. [Demonstrating] Again - done and down. I thought we had this licked but recently there's been some backside.
Dan Vasser: Change is hard Katie.

Dan Vasser: You wanna know the weird part? It felt like I was gone for fifteen minutes, when I got back it had been three hours.
Katie Vasser: Dan, on my current 'list of weird' that doesn't even make the top ten.
I'm a recovering gambling addict who travels through time — I have some things going for me.
Melissa Waters: You fit the description of the man I'm supposed to meet; blond, good looking, great shape. I thought you were him. The wedding ring should have been the give away.
Dan Vasser: Yeah well, extremely married.
Melissa Waters: Any advice on how to make that happen?
Dan Vasser: Be incredibly lucky and meet the right person.
Melissa Waters: Well you're a big help.

Dan Vasser: I know that you're upset about me seeing Livia back there Katie, but...
Katie Vasser: Dan, I have three hundred people coming to a black tie fund raiser that I'm chairing, and a string quartet that's just bumped us for the Mayor's birthday, thirty-two more returned inventions due to insufficient postage. You and Livia meeting in the ether is not what's bothering me right now.

Livia Beale: You don't even seem like Katie's type.
Dan Vasser: What's her type?
Livia Beale: I don't know; Jack's a cop — edgy commitment-phobic, a bad boy — you're not.
Dan Vasser: I'm a recovering gambling addict who travels through time — I have some things going for me.

Katie Vasser: You look like you've been in a fight.
Dan Vasser: Yeah, well maybe nine years ago.
Katie Vasser: Cheese guy's here
Theresa Sanchez: Oh I love him!
Jack Vasser: Wait, so cheese is okay, just not cheesecake?

Katie Vasser: You're an adrenalin guy Dan. You liked the action when you were gambling, maybe you want two women in different time zones. You know, technically it wouldn't be cheating — I was sleeping with Jack, maybe you should sleep with Livia back there.
Dan Vasser: So if I'm with Livia back there, you can start sleeping with Jack here. [Katie reacts] What — not funny?

[As Dylan McCleen gets away]
Livia Beale: Yeah, that's a bummer
Dan Vasser: This assignment's a bitch!
Livia Beale: They're all a bitch.
Dan Vasser: I just need my laptop — how did people survive back here?
Zack Vasser: I know a trick Dad can do to scare people — turn invisible.
Katie Vasser: Honey, that's our little secret, okay, just like money. Remember, it's not polite to talk about money.

Dan Vasser: What day is it?
Livia Beale: I dunno — I just got here. You want a new travel tip?
[Looking at a license plate]
Livia Beale: registration tags — it's 1965
Dan Vasser: Oh yeah? Kid's on his cell phone.
Livia Beale: Okay, so it's not a perfect system.

Livia Beale: This is some kind of teen fantasy for you, isn't it?
Dan Vasser: No... yeah!

Steven Kowalchuk: Don't you get it — he doesn't age? [To Dan] Are you from the future or the past?
Dan Vasser: The future.
Steven Kowalchuk: I knew it! It's the shoes, it's always the shoes.
Livia Beale: I can't believe we're having this discussion.
Dan Vasser: I can, I have them all the time with my wife now. Never with my dead fiancée though.

Livia Beale: I loved this table, you've no idea how hard it was to find this thing. I'm kinda surprised it broke.
Dan Vasser: How come?
Livia Beale: It always seemed pretty sturdy to me.

Dan Vasser: You know a couple of times tonight when we were talking...
Livia Beale: It was like nothing had ever changed.
Dan Vasser: Accept those guys trying to kill me.
Livia Beale: And you fighting yourself — that's new.

Livia Beale: How much money are we talking here?
Dan Vasser: I had over twenty thousand dollars in that drawer, give or take a few.
Livia Beale: You ever heard of a bank?
Dan Vasser: It wasn't exactly tax deductible.
If some higher power wants me to do their dirty work, I wanna know the reason why.
Hugh Skillen: You, uh, you gotta second?
Dan Vassar: Uh oh.

Dan Vassar: I'm late for dinner with my wife.
Livia Beale: Well, for now you're stuck with this one.

[Holding a bottle of wine]
Dennis Armstrong: Hey everybody, look at this! Cabernet from 2004 — gag wine from the future!

Elizabeth Armstrong: I like you. You're staring at your wife and coveting her.
Dan Vassar: These are the times we live in I guess.
Elizabeth Armstrong: So why fight it? [Looking to the 2004 Cabernet] Is this as good as Blue Nun?

Katie Vasser: You went to a swingers' party and all you did was talked?
Dan Vassar: That and watch the Nixon "I am not a crook" speech on news. It was a rush to see it on the day it actually happened.
Katie Vasser: Honey, I love that you went to a wife swapping party and it was Nixon that turned you on.

Mo Rollins: What's you're bag? You got a job, did you drop out?
Dan Vassar: [To Livia] I'll take this one.
Livia Beale: Go ahead.
Dan Vassar: We're time travellers.
Celia Wogan: Mo says he's from the middle ages — no joke. Guess what it's called.
Livia Beale: The 'high middle ages'?
Mo Rollins: [Surprised] Yes!

Katie Vasser: I thought all you guys do is talk?
Dan Vassar: Great! So now you're upset that I don't talk to her enough.
Katie Vasser: I want to know where the other woman lives.

Dan Vassar: I don't wanna do this anymore Liv.
Livia Beale: I know.
Dan Vassar: If some higher power wants me to do their dirty work, I wanna know the reason why.
Livia Beale: Yeah, good luck with that.
[At a rave party]
Dan Vassar: So, what are we doing?
[Livia dances round him]
Livia Beale: I don't know about you, but I'm freeing myself.
Dan Vassar: What?
Livia Beale: It's an autonomous zone. Dance!!
Dan Vassar: [Sarcastically] Thanks, have fun tonight.

Livia Beale: This thing; it's not an exact science.
Dan Vassar: Is it even a science?
Livia Beale: It happens, just like the bumper sticker says... I hope you're right about this one.
Dan Vassar: Well, time will tell.
[Holding Dan's iPhone]
Doctor: Hey, check this out — what is it?
Dan Vassar: It's a calculator.

Dan Vassar: I get it, I get it; don't go off mission. Can you tell them to call off their dogs.
Livia Beale: If only I had their ear.

Livia Beale: I die, you mourn, she comforts... you and Katie, you don't come together unless Livia and Dan come together first. She filled a vacuum I created.
Zack Vassar: We're using fennel seeds.
Dan Vassar: Fennel seeds — fantastic!
Zack Vassar: Do you even know what that is?
Dan Vassar: I've no idea.

Dan Vassar: I'm fine, granted I can't raise my arm above my head and whenever I try to talk to Katie about Aeden Bennett she starts baking. Oh and I got fired, but apart from that, happy holiday!
[Livia wears revealing lingerie]
Livia Beale: [Seeing Dan] Thank God it's you!
Dan Vassar: I'm thanking God it's me too.

Caroline Vassar: Do you wanna know what I do when I'm mad? Sometimes I scream, and sometimes I think of red liquorice.
Dan Vassar: [Laughs] Red liquorice?
Caroline Vassar: See; it works.

Katie Vassar: Theresa's pregnant.
Dan Vassar: Okay, did I cause that?
Katie Vassar: God, I hope not.
Annette Barron: What a bizarre marriage.
Evan Pattison: I used to sleep in the nude and get called away, and I woke up one too many times in family restaurants. At first I didn't tell the authorities I was a traveller, and then I did once, and then I made the mistake of insisting I was, and — here I am.

Evan Pattison: I was in pelican bay once — 76.
Dan Vassar: You time travelled there?
Evan Pattison: No; assault.

Katie Vassar: It sure would be nice to have someone else like you around.
Dan Vassar: Well there's Livia.
Katie Vassar: Yeah, someone who's a guy and not really really hot.

Evan Pattison: [To Livia] Who are you?
Dan Vassar: It's a friend.
Evan Pattison: She's one of us. You can tell by the shoes.

Livia Beale: I can't go in there with you.
Dan Vassar: Why not?
Livia Beale: 'cause I'm supposed to be dead.
Dan Vassar: Oh yeah right.

Elliot Langley: You are the last one.
Dan Vassar: No, you're wrong. There's one more.
Elliot Langley: Really, who?
Dan Vassar: I wish I could talk about it.
Elliot Langley: Wise man.


  • "Time changes everything"
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