Joshua Blu Buhs

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Joshua Blu Buhs is an independent scholar and author known for his book Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend.[1]



Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend


Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend by Joshua Blu Buhs from University of Chicago Press at Chicago, IL in 2009. ISBN 978 0 226 50215 1 (e-book)

The bourgeois Bigfoot was less challenging, not as violent, not as sexual, not as awesome—“the period of the comedic, gentle, giant, nonsexual Bigfoot had arrived,” said Loren Coleman. p 232

Middle-class Americans were uneasy about these changes; they did not—as so many of the working class did—oppose consumerism and mass culture. On the contrary, they often fostered and celebrated it because their relatively large paychecks already proved that society valued them highly and allowed them to create personalities (buy things) consistent with their own self-image. p 233

