Iyabo Obasanjo

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Iyabo Obasanjo (born 27 April 1967) is a former Nigerian senator and the daughter of former president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo and his wife Oluremi Obasanjo.

Iyabo Obasanjo in 2015


  • To say that Nigeria has problems is to make an understatement. The wise should listen, wherever help and advice come from. Those who republished the old letter should have spent time to respond to the content of the said statement which, among other things, called on President Buhari to join the rank of retired elder statesmen in 2019. I would think this was appropriate and even unnecessary advice, given the serious medical problems he has had over the last few years.
  • He (Tunji-Ishola) just ended being such a wonderful gift to the nation. I hope he will continue to have success. I hope he continues to have active participation in politics and I hope he continues to have positions where he can contribute to the growth of the state and the country.
  • I won’t be your legacy, let your legacy be Nigeria in the fractured state you created because … I pray Nigeria survives your continual intervention in its affairs
  • I am surprised that agents of the current administration who should benefit from the advice and admonishment of one of the most brilliant leaders to ever emerged in modern Africa have resorted to a cheap tactic that further reiterates the message that they found abhorrent enough to start looking for unconnected issues to put together to make their point.
  • I wanted to say to you: when you copy something you also copy the modifications based on the learning from the original; only a fool starts from scratch and does not base his decisions on the learning of others. In science, we use the modifications found by others long ago to the most recent, as the basis of new findings; not going back to discover and learn what others have learnt. Human knowledge and development and civilization will not have progressed if each new generation and society did not build on the knowledge of others before them
  • It is tiring to continue to be part of Nigerian conversation when there’s no positive impact to it.I really do not want to be part of it, as I’ve found over and over again that speech and words are wasted on people who have no understanding of responsibility on us as black people on this planet.

Quotes about Iyabo Obasanjo

  • To tell you the truth, throwing mud at your father’s white garment in the village square is the least effective way of redressing such complex family squabbles. What you have done is sacrilegious. It shows bad upbringing and want of character. It puts a big question mark on the academic background and intellectual quality of the author. By all known cultural, social and global standards, your open letter and its contents are very inappropriate.
  • My first child, my daughter (Iyabo) will not take nonsense from you. And you try it; you would be put in your place. It doesn’t matter; you may be 10 times her height, she will bring you down. (It is) because I give them the encouragement and you heard, eight of my children have PhDs. I have slightly more boys than girls but I have more girls with Ph.D. than boys.
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