Howl's Moving Castle

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Howl's Moving Castle is a fantasy novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones and its animated film adaptation, Hauru no ugoku shiro (ハウルの動く城) was produced by Studio Ghibli. (Japan)

ISBN 0-00-675523-2
  • "I'm the best and cleanest witch in Ingary."
    • p. 65.
    • Said by Sophie.
  • "You'll be the death of me! You're as heartless as Howl!" Calcifer choked.
    • p. 72.
    • Said while Sophie is using him to burn dust and rubbish.
  • "Why didn't he turn me out?" [Sophie] said, half to herself and half to Michael. "It beats me," said Michael. "But I think he goes by Calcifer. Most people who come in here either don't notice Calcifer or are scared stiff of him."
    • p. 76.
  • It was clear Howl had not yet caught the girl he was after. Sophie listened to Michael asking rather obvious questions about it, and Howl slithering neatly out of answering any of them. "He is a slitherer-outer," Sophie murmured to a pair of Michael's socks. "Can't face his own wickedness."
    • p. 78.
  • "Look at this!" [Howl] shouted. "Look at it! What has that one-woman force of chaos done to these spells?"
    • p. 86.
  • "I can't get him to speak!" Michael whispered miserably.
    "It's just a tantrum," Sophie said. Martha and Lettie were good at having tantrums too. She knew how to deal with those. On the other hand, it is quite a risk to spank a wizard for getting hysterical about his hair.
    • p. 91.
  • "This is a bit much Sophie!" [Howl] said. "I do live here."
    • p. 189.
    • When he is locked out of his own home.
  • "What a strange family you are! Is your name really Lettie too?"
    • p. 261.
    • Howl to Sophie after both her sisters are revealed to be using the same name.
  • "Go to bed, you fool." Calcifer said sleepily. "You're drunk."
    "Who, me?" said Howl. "I assure you, my friends, I am cone sold stober."
    • p. 265.
  • "Typical!" [Howl] said to Sophie. "I break my neck to get here, and I find you peacefully tidying up!"
    • pp. 289-290.
  • "I'm the eldest!" Sophie shrieked. "I'm a failure!"
    "Garbage!" Howl shouted. "You just never stop to think!"
    • p. 293.
Calcifer: I don't envy you, lady. That is one bad curse. Curses are tough. You're gonna have a very hard time getting rid of that one.

Calcifer: My name is Calcifer, the scary and powerful fire demon!

Sophie: Let's run away! There's no use fighting.
Howl: I'm sorry. I'm done running away, now that I have something I want to protect. It's you.

Sophie: IF I EVER GET MY HANDS ON THAT WITCH, I'M GONNA WRING HER FAT NECK! [to Markl] Finish your breakfast!

Hat shop worker: Don't worry, he only preys on pretty girls.

Witch of the Waste: Nice doggie.

Calcifer: [talking about the Witch of the Waste] Sophie... She keeps staring at me... It's freaking me out...
Witch of the Waste: What a pretty fire!

Sophie: Yes, I'm the scariest witch of them all—the kind that cleans!

Howl: [talking to Turnip Head] You've got a nasty curse on you, too. It seems like everyone in this family has problems.

Sophie: It seems I've become quite cunning in my old age.

Sophie: A heart is a heavy burden.

Sophie: Don't come in here. I've got a bad cold. I don't want you to catch it.
Honey: You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.

Howl: Calcifer, you're being so obedient.
Calcifer: Not on purpose! She [Sophie] bullied me!
Howl: Not just anyone can do that.

Howl: I'd appreciate it if you didn't torment my friend.

Witch of the Waste: Standing up to the Witch of the Waste? That's pretty plucky.

Sophie: It's been nice meeting you, even if you are my least-favorite vegetable. Take care, Turnip Head.

Markl: [to Sophie] Quit telling lies to our customers.

Witch of the Waste: Oh, what a pretty fire. (Said multiple times, after she has been made old again.)

Madam Suliman: Let's finally put an end to this foolish war.

Howl: You're wearing that hat? After all the magic I used to make your dress pretty?

[Howl sends Sophie out after promising to follow her in disguise and Sophie tries to spot him]

Sophie: I wonder what Howl will disguise himself as?

[She passes a group of pigeons on a statue.]

Sophie: No, couldn't be.

[A man with a glider plane with a giggling young woman flies overhead.]

Sophie: [looks at it wryly] That could be him.

Witch of the Waste: Better luck next time—your true love has fallen in love with someone else.

Markl: Move it, Grandma! Or you'll lose your nose!

Young Sophie: They say that the brightest spark burns best when circumstances are at their worst.
Calcifer: Yeah, but no one really believes that.

Witch of the Waste: What a tacky shop. I've never seen such tacky little hats, yet you are by far the tackiest thing in here.

Witch of the Waste: The best part about that spell, is that you can't tell anyone about it. Send my regards to Howl.

[Sophie pulls out a note from her pocket. It flutters out of her hand and lands on the table, and burns the markings of the note into the wood.]

Markl: Scorch Marks! Howl, can you read them?
Howl: I think so. [reading] "You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon belong to me." [pauses] This can't be good for the table.

[after Sophie puts a pan and bacon on Calcifer]

Calcifer: Here's another curse for you—may all your bacon burn!

Old Sophie: Are you the one moving this castle?
Calcifer: Of course I am! No one else does any work around here.

Calcifer: [to Sophie] You crazy lady with tongs!

Witch of the Waste: [to Sophie] You're in love. Don't deny it, you've been sighing all day.

[after Sophie gives part of her hair to Calcifer]

Young Sophie: Thanks, Calcifer!, You're fantastic!
Calcifer: Imagine what could I do with your eyes, or your heart!

Howl: Calcifer, you didn't have to come back.
Calcifer: Yeah, well, I kinda missed you guys, and it looks like it's gonna rain.
Young Sophie: I missed you, too, Cal. [kisses his cheek]
Calcifer: Wow!

[Howl comes running out of the bathroom, screaming. His hair is now orange.]

Howl: Sophie! You—You sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you've done to my hair! Look!
Old Sophie: What a pretty color.
Howl: It's hideous! You completely ruined my magic potions in the bathroom!
Old Sophie: I just organized things, Howl. Nothing's ruined.
Howl: Wrong! Wrong! I specifically ordered you not to get carried away! [tragically] Now I'm repulsive. [slumps into a chair] I can't live like this.

[Howl starts sobbing, his head in his hands.]

Old Sophie: Come on, it's not that bad.

[Howl's hair changes color to purple, then black.]

Old Sophie: [now a bit worried] You should look at it now. Its shade is even better.
Howl: [inconsolable] I give up. I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful.
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