Highway to Heaven

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Highway to Heaven is an American fantasy drama television series that ran on NBC from September 19, 1984, to August 4, 1989. The series starred Michael Landon as Jonathan Smith, an angel sent to Earth in order to help people in need. Victor French, Landon's co-star from his previous television series, Little House on the Prairie, co-starred as Mark Gordon, a retired policeman who travels with and helps Smith with the tasks or "assignments" to which he is referred.

Season 1


Highway to Heaven: Part 1 [S1.E1] (1984)

Jonathan Smith: [hoisting into the air the man who has punched him on both sides of his face with no effect] I turned the other cheek.

To Touch the Moon [S1E3] (1984)

Jonathan Smith: [to Arthur Nealy] Keep looking at the moon. ... You're home, son. You're home!

Song of the Wild West [S1.E5] (1984)

Jonathan Smith: Look Mr Higgins, we all make mistakes in this world. Some of us just never admit it.

Dust Child [S1.E11] (1984)

Jonathan Smith: People tend to hate what they don't know.

Dust Child [S1.E11] (1984)

Jonathan Smith: Punishing people never really changes them. ... People who hate never really feel any peace inside. It's a sickness worse than any plague this world has ever seen. The sad part of it is, the cure is inside every one of us. ... Love. Simply isn't it? Just love.

One Winged Angels [S1.E15] (1985)

Mark Gordon: [to Jonathan Smith] You ever think about settling down in one place? Y'know, and getting married and enjoying the flitter-flutter of little wings around the house?

Going Home, Going Home [S1.E16] (1985)

Mark Gordon: [encouraging young Mark to listen to his grandfather's stories] That old man is a book, son. All grandparents are.

Season 2


A Song for Jason: Part 1 [S2.E1] (1985)

Mark Gordon: [to Jason] If cancer was a man, I'd tear him limb from limb for ya kid.

Friends [S2.E24] (1986)

Jonathan Smith: [to Jenny] The best friend you've got in this world is you. If you don't like yourself, it doesn't make any difference how many other people.

Season 3


That's Our Dad [S3.E5] (1986)

Jonathan Smith: [to Bill Cassidy] Somebody once said, 'a man who has no more problems to solve is out of the game'.

A Father's Faith [S3.E22] (1987)

Jonathan Smith: [to Michele Malloy] You can't go through your whole life feeling guilty.

Jonathan Smith: [to Marge Malloy] But guilt is such a waste, it's so useless.

Season 4


In with the 'In' Crowd [S4.E11] (1987)

Mark Gordon: Will there ever be a time in this country where they'll put drugs away forever?
Jonathan Smith:: If there's not, there may not be a country to wonder about.

A Mother's Love [S4.E13] (1988)

Mark Gordon: [on Jonathan's habit of vanishing] I hate when he does that!

Heaven Nose, Mister Smith [S4.E23] (1988)

Jonathan Smith: [to Stanley] You don't become a man by winning all the time. You become a man by learning how to handle your defeats, by not giving up, no matter what.

Season 5


The Silent Bell [S5.E4] (1989)

Tobias Bennett: For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light, 16th chapter Luke verse 8.

Jonathan Smith: Genesis 1:27, so God created man in his own image. And the image of God he created them.

The Squeaky Wheel [S5.E7] (1989)

Wayne Secrest: I learned a lesson about myself last night. I learned that your manhood isn't measured by your legs, it's not your ability to stand tall and face a fight, your manhood, your humanness is in the mind. It's in the heart. It's in your soul.

Mark Gordon: [Mark and Jonathan walking on the Hollywood Walk of Fame] Oh, look. Here's another one of my favorites. Michael Landon.
Jonathan Smith: Never heard of him.
Mark Gordon: What? Are you kidding? Bonanza! Little House on the Prairie!
Jonathan Smith: Sorry. It doesn't ring a bell.
Mark Gordon: I keep forgetting. You've been dead for 40 years.

Various episodes

Mark Gordon: Cute, Jonathan. Real cute.

Mark Gordon: I got the stuff! I got the stuff!


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