Halima Mdee

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Halima Mdee (born 18 March 1978) is a Tanzanian politician and a special seat women representative MP[1] from CHADEMA[2] serving since 2020. Mdee was a Member of Parliament[3] for Kawe constituency from 2010 to 2020 when she lost her seat to Bishop Josephat Gwajima[4]. In 2020 Mdee was appointed a special seat MP for CHADEMA together with 18 others in a very controversial list which led to the conflicts between them and their political party. The conflict was due to the fact that CHADEMA denied appointing the 19 Special seat MPs.


  • Politics can be a dirty game when it is interfered with by people with bad intentions. In a pure environment of people doing politics with pure goals and intentions, it is difficult to see politics as a dirty game.
    • Halima Mdee [1]
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