Father's Little Dividend

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Father's Little Dividend is a 1951 film about a father dealing with the events of his daughter having her first child. It is the sequel to the 1950 film Father of the Bride.

Directed by Vincente Minnelli. Written by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich.
The blessed event of 1951...merrily surpassing "Father of the Bride"...again starring Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett and Elizabeth Taylor...M-G-M of course!  (taglines)

Stanley Banks

  • [to Ellie] You're more excited about this baby than you were any of ours.
  • [after someone called him 'Grampa' at the announcement event] Somewhere there was a fly in the ointment... Grampa, that was the fly. Grampa.


Stanley Banks: [Telephone rings at night] Hello. Buckley, do you know what time it is? It's a quarter to three.
Buckley Dunstan: I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Is Kay there?
Stanley Banks: [Sarcastically] But of course she, where would she be? [Whispers] Hello, I'll take this downstairs, hang on. [Puts down the receiver & quietly tiptoes downstairs to hall, then picks up the extension phone] What do you mean. is she here?
Buckley Dunstan: Well, I thought if she were there I could come and pick her up if she were there.
Stanley Banks: When did she leave? What time did she leave?
Buckley Dunstan: I don't know, I've been out for a few hours, I just got back a little while ago.
Stanley Banks: What was it, a fight?
[Long pause]
Stanley Banks: DID you have a FIGHT?
Buckley Dunstan: We had an argument, yes. Look if anything happens to her, I'll kill myself.
Stanley Banks: Don't worry, I'll do it for you. Did she take anything, a bag or anything?
Buckley Dunstan: She took her hatbox, umbrella & toilet case & a toothbrush.
Stanley Banks: Don't worry about it then, if she took her toothbrush, she's not headed for the river.

Stanley Banks: Now look Ellie, I know how anxious you've been to get your hooks into that baby, but the answer is NO. I've been through all that you know, the two o'clock feedings, the colic and the measles & all the rest of it & I'm not going through all of it again, especially with somebody else's baby
Ellie Banks: It wouldn't be like that, Stanley, it'll be fun to have a baby
Stanley Banks: You can go over and see the baby at their apartment when they get it all washed & ironed, but it's not coming here and THAT'S FINAL!


  • The blessed event of 1951...merrily surpassing "Father of the Bride"...again starring Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett and Elizabeth Taylor...M-G-M of course!
  • M.G.M New Laugh Hit!


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