Dekha Ibrahim Abdi

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Dekha Ibrahim Abdi (Born 1964 - Died 14 July 2011) was a Kenyan peace activist based in Mombasa, Kenya. She worked as a consultant to government and civil society organizations. She was of Somali ethnicity.


  • "A peace process is not about the mathematics of numbers and percentages in relation to who is in majority or minority. It is about plurality, diversity, participation and ownership of all affected by the conflict and who live in the context hence nothing less than full participation and ownership."
  ** Women in peace
  • “Feast with your enemies. So I do my best to prepare and offer food to those with whom I find myself in disagreement."
  **Open Democracy
  • "I dedicate myself and the right livelihood award owner to the service of peace in a practical way to consolidate the work already undertaken and to give a new energy and focus in developing peace system by harnessing the body of knowledge through establishing a University for peace in Wajir Kenya."
  ** As quoted by [1]
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