Daddy's Home (film)

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Daddy's Home is a 2015 American family comedy film about a radio host trying to get his stepchildren to love him and call him Dad. But his plans turn upside down when their biological fathe returns.

Directed by Sean Anders. Written by Brian Burns, Anders, and John Morris.
Dad vs step-dad.taglines

Brad Whitaker

  • [narrating] Here's a question for you. What do kids need more, a father or a dad? What's the difference? The way I see it, darn near anyone can be a father... [video of copulating rhinos] ...but not everyone has the patience or the devotion to be a dad. As for me, I've always wanted to be a dad. Let me tell you, I love it! Yeah! [driving] And I love my Ford Flex. It treats me to a smooth ride, and you know what? It didn't break the bank. Room enough for the whole family. [making sandwiches in the kitchen] Yes, I love being a dad. And I love these two adorable little rays of sunshine. [Dylan and Megan walk in]

Dusty Mayron

  • It looks like we got our self's a dad-off, Brad.


Dusty Mayron: So the King raised his mighty sword and rained steel down upon the Step King.
Brad Whitaker: But the Step King blocked it with his shield. And swung his cat o'nine tails into the King's smug face.
Dusty Mayron: Which the King easily brushed aside like the feather of a gull. And then the King did counter with a barrage of slashes and thrusts so fast and precise the Step King had no way to party.
Megan, Dylan: Yay!
Dusty Mayron: But he did. He did. He parried all of them. Easily. It was no big deal.
Megan, Dylan: Aww.
Brad Whitaker: Then he grabbed the King's sword right out of his hand and smashed it over his knee.
Megan, Dylan: Boo!
Dusty Mayron: That's when the King pulled out a pump-action Mossberg shotgun!
Brad Whitaker: Which is completely anachronistic. So if we're gonna be doing any time period, then the Step King just happened to be wearing Kevlar body armor.
Dusty Mayron: Concussion grenade!
Brad Whitaker: Hand grenade.
Dusty Mayron: Rocket launcher.
Brad Whitaker: Missile launcher.
Dusty Mayron: Air strike.
Brad Whitaker: Nuclear strike.
Dusty Mayron: Black hole.
Brad Whitaker: God.

Brad Whitaker: The step-king has had enough of the king's BULLSHIT!
Dusty Mayron: Brad said a bad word.

Brad Whitaker: You built all this today? With my tools?
Dusty Mayron: Oh, no, you can't build a treehouse with a tampon, Brad.


  • Dad vs step-dad.
  • Family is worth fighting for
  • The gloves are off this Boxing Day
  • This Christmas choose your Daddy


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