Corduroy (TV series)

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In 1968, Don Freeman created the children's picture book, Corduroy.

Corduroy is a Canadian animated children's TV series based on Don Freeman's 1968 children's book Corduroy and its 1978 follow-up A Pocket for Corduroy. It originally aired for one season on Canadian TVOKids and U.S. PBS Kids' Bookworm Bunch in 2000, before it got cancelled along with Elliot Moose. The show consists of 26 10-minute stories, which were broadcast in pairs as 13 21-minute episodes.



Lost and Found / Going Up [1.1]

[first lines of the series]
Lisa: I'll read these books to you when we get home, okay, Corduroy?
Corduroy: [thinking] Okay.
Lisa: I can carry it.
Lisa's Mom: You sure now?
Lisa: Uh-huh.
[Lisa's Mom gives Lisa the blue bag with library books as they leave the library]

[After Lisa looses Corduroy on the subway train, Corduroy sits on the man's head]
Corduroy: [thinking] I must be lost. [the subway train is going far away from the station] Oh no, I must be going into a very deep tunnel. I'll be lost forever.
[In Corduroy's imagination, Corduroy looks for Lisa]
Corduroy: Lisa? Lisa? I don't want to be lost forever. [spots a women wearing a red shirt] Yeah! We can leave the tunnel and go...
[The women turns to Corduroy and smiles happily at him]
Corduroy: [gasps; sadly] You're not Lisa.
[Corduroy has a sad expression as he walks away from the women. Then the scene cuts back to realty]
Corduroy: [thinking] If I'm lost, What should I do to get found? If Lisa was here, She know what to do.

[while Lisa heads to the lost and found station, she believes that Corduroy wouldn't be here]
Lisa: What if Corduroy's not there? [In Lisa's imagination, a responsible girl holds Corduroy] What if Corduroy's been found by a responsible girl with a bigger, nicer, knapsack?
[Corduroy sits on the responsible girl's knapsack. Then the scene cuts back to realty]
Lisa: [pants] Five more minutes before they close!
[Lisa opens the door and sees children's lost toys]
Employer: Hello. Can I help you?
Lisa: [talking fast] My toy bear Corduroy, I left him behind in the subway car. Corduroy's my responsibility. I should have been keeping an eye on him. [sadly] But I was too...
Lisa's Mom: [arrives the lost and found station] We're looking for a brown bear dressed in green corduroy overalls.
Employer: I'll have a look.
[The employer went to find Corduroy. Lisa's Mom holds Lisa's shoulder as Lisa sighs sadly]
Employer: I'm sorry. I don't see a (brown) bear with (green) corduroy overalls. Maybe you'd like to come back tomorrow.

[Lisa and Corduroy arrives to an elevator that is completely out of order]
Corduroy: What does the sign say?
Lisa: [reading the out of order sign] "Out of order. Please use stairs. We apologize for any in... incon..."
Pandro: [helping Lisa with the spelling] "Inconvenience."
Lisa: "We apologize for any inconvenience."
Pandro: [chuckles] I am the one who should be sorry.
Lisa: Sorry for what?
Pandro: You're going to have to use the stairs, Lisa. We're doing a safely check on the elevator.
Lisa: That's okay. See you, Pandro. [races down the stairs]

Good Night Corduroy / Soap Flakes [1.2]

[After finishing the book Tilly Witch the other book by Don Freeman]
Corduroy: [tries to request a second story] No. Another story? Please?
[Lisa takes the book from Corduroy and is about to put it back on the bookshelf, even though Corduroy wants to read one more story before bedtime.]
Lisa: Corduroy, we have to go to bed now. Okay?
Corduroy: [still wanting one more story, and does not want to go to bed yet] I don't want to go to bed!
[Lisa picks up Corduroy and puts him into his bear sized bed which is on Lisa's desk. Corduroy insists --and claims-- that he is older and should be older to stay up.]
Corduroy: I'm older enough to stay up late...!
Lisa: Then you're older enough to turn off the light (if you are).
[After Lisa has told Corduroy that if he is bigger to stay up late then he should be bigger to turn out the light, Corduroy tries to think it. He makes his choice whether himself or Lisa should turn it off. When he does not choose in time by taking too long to think, Lisa decides for him]
Lisa: [makes the choice for Corduroy which is "Lisa"] Then I can turn out the light. With a tiny, little, click.
Corduroy: Please don't turn off the light.
Lisa: Why?
Corduroy: Because...! Because...! Because I am going to read some more.
Lisa: We will read that book tomorrow night. I promise.
[Lisa means "no more bedtime stories until tomorrow". Then she does turn out the light]

[Lisa went to gets a glass of water for Corduroy after he shares the request to her of being thirsty. Lisa's Mom comes out of her bedroom and sees Lisa still up. Lisa is in the bathroom getting water. Lisa's Mom sees it and wonders why Lisa is still awake]
Lisa's Mom: You are still up?
Lisa: I am just getting a drink of water, Mom.
Lisa's Mom: Okay. But back to bed.
[Lisa's Mom knows that Lisa has school tomorrow and therefore it has turned out to be a school night.]
Lisa's Mom: It is a school day tomorrow.

Corduroy: Hi.
Lisa: Corduroy? What are you doing out of bed?
Corduroy: I wanted to make sure that you have turned off the tap so there is no more drip.
[Corduroy, acting like Tilly the witch from the book Tilly Witch the bedtime story book he and Lisa were reading, says he wants to turn off the tap like Tilly. Then he goes over to the sink tap to turn it off like Tilly the witch]
Corduroy: There.
[Corduroy turns off the sink tap.]
Corduroy: No more [mimicking the faucet dripping] drip, drip, dripping.
[Lisa picks up Corduroy and adds her own line like from the said book after Corduroy says, "No more drip, drip, dripping".]
Lisa: And no more play, play, playing, Corduroy.

[Lisa sings to Corduroy a lullaby. The song she is singing is sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". And it is her own version of said song.]
Lisa: [singing]Listen Cordy, don't be scared.
♪ I'll make those nightmares disappear. ♪
♪ We'll turn down the blankets. ♪
♪ And we'll them down just right. ♪
♪ Turn to each other and say ♪ [yawns]
♪ "Good night". ♪
Corduroy: Good night, Lisa. [falls fast asleep]
Lisa: Good night, Corduroy.
[Lisa kisses Corduroy. Then she goes back to bed and turns off the light as the second episode's first half ends.]

[In Corduroy and Buckaroo's imagination, they're both going on a snow ride in the North Pole. The two "preschool child aged" toys pretend it by using the dust pan in the linen closet.]
Buckaroo: ♪ Snowflakes ♪
♪ Riding through the snowflakes ♪
Corduroy: Giddy up!
[Buckaroo keeps riding through the snow. Buckaroo is pretending to be one of the horses at the North Pole. He and Corduroy are in their imagination that they are in the North Pole. The scene then cuts back into reality. Back in reality, Lisa comes home and looks into the messy linen closet caused by Corduroy and Buckaroo who are still playing in it pretending to play in the snow with the linen things. Then she --offscreen-- catches them. The scene soon cuts to her from the door to the linen closet.]
Lisa: [gasps] Corduroy, Buckaroo!
[Lisa finds them playing in the linen closet with the linen things.]
Lisa: What a mess! What happened?
[Corduroy and Buckaroo stop playing. They then stare at Lisa and the mess with embarrassed smiles on their faces after what they were doing to the linen equipment to act out like they were at the North Pole.]
Corduroy and Buckaroo: [trying to confess] Ummm…! Uh...!
Lisa: [to Corduroy and Buckaroo about the mess they have made] (Well?) "Ummm…!", what? Come on, you two. Help me clean this up, (both of you).
[Lisa picks up a paper roll.]
Lisa: Boy, (it looks like) someone is going to be in big trouble.
[When Lisa has said, "Someone is going to be in big trouble", it turns out that both Corduroy and Buckaroo are in trouble. Because they both indeed made the mess in the linen room.]
Lisa: [looks in the closet and lists what has to be done as Corduroy and Buckaroo were playing with the linen things and caused the mess] Bath towels need refolding, the toilet paper needs rerolling.
[As Corduroy and Buckaroo are helping Lisa clean up the linen room as they've made the mess in the linen room, Buckaroo puts the towel back on the shelf and picks up the dust pan and hangs it back up. They also refold the bath towels, then reroll the toilet paper]
Buckaroo: Tell Lisa that we made the mess.
Corduroy: [is afraid to tell Lisa the truth] But she is going to get mad.
Buckaroo: Ooh...! But we HAVE to tell her.
Lisa: [putting the laundry soap into the laundry soap box] Come on, help me! Mom is going to be coming home any minute now.
Corduroy: [whispers through Buckaroo's ear] What if we make up a story?
Buckaroo: You mean lie? Oh, I don't know. That doesn't sound right.

Lisa: Why did Kit not chase after Rosetta?
Corduroy: Uh-oh.
[Rosetta --about the lie-- realizes she was tricked and blamed.]
Rosetta: And what is this?! (None of this was Kit and I!) That cat, he NEVER chases me!
[Corduroy was lying when he said that Kit and Rosetta made the mess in the linen room even though it was him and Buckaroo. He and Buckaroo were playing in it, then he fibbed about it. Therefore, Rosetta is telling the truth; really it was not her. Lisa --on the other hand-- believes Rosetta when Rosetta says it was not her and Kit who made the mess. But she becomes concerned about Corduroy's lie.]
Lisa: [confused] I don't get it. Corduroy told me. And...!
[Lisa looks at Corduroy. She knows that he was lying even though it was him and Buckaroo who made that mess in the linen room.]
Lisa: [turns to Corduroy] Corduroy...?!
Corduroy: [buries his face in his paws] I lied, Lisa! I did it. I messed up the closet!
Buckaroo: I was there too.
Corduroy: But it was my idea to lie, not Buckaroo's.
[It turns out that the only person who was telling the truth was Rosetta.]
Rosetta: [to Lisa when she told her she was not in the linen room with Corduroy and Buckaroo] Well, I was not there (in the first place)! And I did not make any mess!
[Rosetta turns to Corduroy and Buckaroo after Corduroy lied about her making the mess and after she was tricked and blamed.]
Rosetta: [to Corduroy] Shame on you!
[Rosetta wheels herself away. She was telling the truth. But she gets away with it because it wasn't her who made the mess. Corduroy buries his face in his paws again. Lisa walks to Corduroy who is feeling quite guilty.]
Lisa: [takes Corduroy's paws off his eyes then has a word with Corduroy when he didn't tell the truth in the first place] Why didn't you tell me the truth when I asked?
[Soon Lisa comforts Corduroy.]
Corduroy: [sadly] I was scared you'd get mad at me.
Lisa: But you made me think it was all Kit's fault, and that wasn't right. Things get worse if you don't tell the truth.
Corduroy: [apologizing to Lisa about the lie he told] I'm sorry, Lisa.
Lisa: You must be saying sorry to Kit, not me.

[Kit watches the rain while Corduroy put the cat dish to the kitchen]
Corduroy: Sorry I got you into trouble, Kit. [Kit has a happy expression] I'd be mad at me too.
[Corduroy walks away sadly as Kit follows him]
Corduroy: I'm sorry, I'll never lie about anything again. Promise.
[Corduroy and Kit walk to the sofa]
Corduroy: Tomorrow we'll go exploring. Or hide and seek is good. We could draw or maybe walk around the neighborhood. Or we could just sit and... [yawns] ...think.
[Corduroy falls fast asleep. Lisa watches Corduroy and Kit sleep on the sofa as the episode ends]

Ice Dream / Special Delivery [1.3]

[In Lisa's room, Lisa and Corduroy are folding sheets while finishing their chores]
Lisa: Just a few more, Corduroy. And all our chores will be finished. [puts a purple sheet among with other sheet who already been folded]
Corduroy: [jumps up and down on Lisa's bed] What's a chore? [Lisa picks up a white sheet] Whee!
Lisa: [explains to Corduroy what does a chore do] Work.
Corduroy: But is this work?
Lisa: Kind of. But it doesn't have to be.
[Corduroy stops jumping on Lisa's bed as Lisa puts the white sheet down]
Lisa: Get on.
[Corduroy sits down on the white sheet. Lisa grabs both sides of the sheet and use it as a trampoline so Corduroy can have more fun jumping]
Corduroy: [giggling; while bouncing on the white sheet as it pretends to be a trampoline] This must be a trampoline. I've always wanted to jump on a trampoline.
[Lisa and Corduroy begin to laugh for joy]

[In Corduroy's imagination, Corduroy walks past a sign that leads to the North Pole]
Corduroy: The North Pole must be very cold or else all this ice cream will melt. [sees the giant ice cream cones] Ice cream cones, ice cream sundaes, ice cream floats. Mmm. This must be a dream. I'm dreaming of ice cream.

[While Lisa does not have any ice cream, Lisa's Mom still thinks that there should be a proper snack for winter --but not ice cream since it is in fact a summer treat.]
Lisa's Mom: Lisa, really. A mug of hot cocoa (with marshmallows) should make more sense.
[What Lisa's mom said, it is true. A mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows is indeed a proper treat for winter. Lisa should maybe try ice cream for real summer days. But since it is winter, she should choose some sort of a "winter type treat" like hot chocolate.]

[Lisa's Mom finds Lisa's toys in the hallway making her think that Lisa had forgot to put her toys away when she was off to school.]
Lisa's Mom: [to Corduroy, Buckaroo, and Rosetta] Lisa knows better than to leave her toys in the hallway.

[In Corduroy's imagination, Corduroy and Rosetta ride on Buckaroo while delivering the mail. Corduroy throws letters to the neighborhood and one letter lands on the sidewalk and Kit looks at the letter. Corduroy throws a letter to the ice cream lady and she catches it]
Buckaroo: Everyone looks happy.
[Corduroy throws more letters]
Rosetta: It means someone is thinking about you.
[Corduroy as a mailman throws one of the letters and a women picks it up and opens it. Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo as mail carriers arrive at Lisa's school and Lisa is doing math inside.]
Corduroy: I can't wait to give Lisa her special delivery.

Lisa's Mom: Hi, Mrs. Cho.
Mrs. Cho: [to Lisa's Mom] Good morning.
[Mrs. Cho tells Lisa's Mom of how she found Lisa's toys --Corduroy, Rosetta and Buckaroo-- in the elevator.]
Mrs. Cho: I think Lisa forgot her toys. They were in the elevator.
[Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo are sitting on Mrs. Cho's shopping trolley.]
Lisa's Mom: But (as I recall), the last time I looked, they were right there (in the hallway after Lisa left for school)!
[Lisa's Mom still looks at them, still wondering how Lisa's toys --Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo-- were "left out" while Lisa was at school. True to what she says, as she recalls, she saw the toys in the hallway.]
Lisa's Mom: [laughs] It is not as if they can walk out on their own!
[Lisa's Mom knows that toys strictly speaking do not go out to places on their own from any child's bedroom --like Lisa's-- then picks up the toys.]
Lisa's Mom: Thanks, Mrs. Cho (for finding Lisa's toys).
Mrs. Cho: You're welcome.
[Later, the scene cuts to where Lisa's Mom takes Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo back to Lisa's room. She is still thinks that Lisa forgot to put her toys away, then she puts them on the bed.]
Lisa's Mom: [to Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo] Now you stay put. All right, Corduroy? I don't want Lisa thinking her own mom can't take care of her toys.
[She leaves the bedroom.]
Corduroy: [thinking] I hope Lisa likes her surprise.

Clean Up / Music Lesson [1.4]

[Rosetta has tagged along with Corduroy, Lisa, and Moppy. That is, since the beginning of the episode. It has even been seen onscreen too. Scene first cuts to the ducks. As for Rosetta, as the viewers see her, she is in the shirt section of Corduroy's overalls.]
Lisa: The poor ducklings, they are stranded out there.
[Cut to Corduroy]
Corduroy: [thinking] Why are they not swimming Lisa?
[Lisa approaches to Corduroy.]
Corduroy: They want to swim. But they can't because the water is so dirty.
Rosetta: [thinking --and from Corduroy's overalls] It is not only because the water is dirty. It's also because people have been putting dirt into the water.

Lisa: Wouldn't it be great, Cordy, if we got the pond so clean, even we could swim in it?
[Rosetta pops out of Corduroy's overalls shirt section and reminds him to take her out of his overalls top section before swimming.]
Rosetta: [to Corduroy] Just remember to take me out of your pocket before you do any swimming.
[Rosetta goes back into Corduroy's overalls]
Corduroy: I will, Rosetta.
Lisa: And we'll have to make sure you're wearing your water wings, Cordy. [sighs] I could just see it. The pond will look the best ever.
[In Lisa and Corduroy's imagination, the pond looks shiny clean and the animals like ducks, lizards, turtles, frogs, salamanders, and bugs --like dragonflies-- are enjoying their clean home. The camera zooms over to Lisa and Corduroy who were swimming in the pond]
Lisa and Corduroy: [laughing]
[A mallard and his ducklings swim past Lisa and Corduroy]
Corduroy: I must be swimming. I've always wanted to swim. [to a duckling] Just like you! Quack, quack.
[A duckling swims around Lisa]
Lisa: [laughs] Quack, quack, cheep, cheep.
[A duckling swims back to Corduroy]
Corduroy: [laughs] They have water wings just like us!
[They both begin to laugh as the duckling flaps his wings]

[Lisa and Corduroy looks the clean pond while Moppy goes fishing. He picks ups some pieces of trail mix and eats it. Lisa eats trail mix too and the ducklings arrived]
Corduroy: [thinking] Looks like we made some new friends.
Lisa: [off-screen] Yeah.
Corduroy: [thinking] The pond is so clean. Can we go swimming now?
Lisa: I think we better stick to sharing our snacks with the ducks for now, Cordy.
[The camera zooms out of the clean pond as the episode ends]

[Corduroy and Rosetta gets the radio out of Lisa's bed]
Rosetta: Voila! I told you there was a radio under there.
Corduroy: Was it hiding, Rosetta?
Rosetta: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Lisa must have forgotten it. But now we have found it, alors. [turns her back and then tries to turn on the radio] Oh. Oh! [shakes her head] Ahem. Corduroy? A winding, if you please.
[Corduroy picks up Rosetta and winds her up turning her wind up key. He puts Rosetta down --after winding up her key-- and Rosetta pushes a button on the radio and the orchestra music plays. Now Corduroy and Rosetta are dancing to the music. They are acting like dancers]
Corduroy: [while dancing to the music] This must be a concert. I've always wanted to go to a concert.
[In Corduroy's imagination, Corduroy imagines that he and Rosetta are the music conductors. And Corduroy gives the orchestra band some wonderful music. A lady plays a tuba, Seven men plays the bass, A women and her husband plays the flute and a brown man plays the trumpet. Corduroy keeps playing some wonderful music. Back in reality, Lisa comes home and turns off the radio causing Corduroy and Rosetta to stop dancing]
Corduroy: [finds out why Lisa turns off the music] Why has the music stopped?
Rosetta: Lisa, you turned off the radio.
Lisa: There's much better music to listen to.
Corduroy: [points to the radio that played the song which he and Rosetta were dancing to and says to Lisa that he and Rosetta like that music] But I like that music!
Lisa: No, this music is much better, Corduroy. Trust me. [turns on her other radio but makes jazzy music] Ew! [changes the radio channel but makes country music this time] Ew, yuck! [one radio channel has piano music] Uh-uh. [founds a radio channel that has dance music] There, that's more like it. [shakes her head]
Corduroy: But why do we have to like only one kind of music?
Rosetta: [about the same music Lisa likes] You mean: "Why do we have to likes only the same music Lisa likes?".
Lisa: That's not true. [to Corduroy and Rosetta] Oh, go ahead. [gives Corduroy and Rosetta the radio] Listen to what you want.

Ship Ahoy / Help Wanted [1.5]

Moppy: ♪ Row, row, row your boat, ♪
♪ Gently down the stream. ♪
♪ Merrily, merrily... ♪
[Moppy stops pulling the toy boat]
Moppy: Huh?
[Moppy sees a girl playing her electronic motor boat. The electronic motor boat drives fast through the water while a girl controls it with a remote control]
Moppy: Hey, cool! [ties the end of the rope to a rock] Be right back, Corduroy.
[Corduroy watches Moppy runs to a girl and then sings "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"]
Corduroy: [while shaking Moppy's boat] ♪ Row, row, row your boat, ♪
♪ Gently down the stream. ♪
♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, ♪
♪ Life is but a dream. ♪
♪ Row, row, row your boat, ♪
♪ Gently down the stream. ♪
♪ Merrily, merrily... ♪
[Suddenly, the knot becomes lose and Corduroy floats away on Moppy's boat]
Corduroy: I must be floating away.

[Corduroy is still floating away on Moppy's boat and looks excited. He looks at the refection of himself until four grey fish appeared]
Corduroy: Hi, fishies! I don't have any food for you. We haven't had our picnic yet!
[The four grey fishes dived into the water and Corduroy looks at the view of the park]
Corduroy: The pond must be taking me somewhere. I wonder where I'm going. [the flying disc lands on the water and the golden retriever swims through the water, picks ups the flying disc and swam back to shore] Ohh!
[The golden retriever shakes off all the water]
Lady: Ahh!
Corduroy: Whew! That must have been a wave. A really big wave!
[The lady throws the flying disc and the golden retriever runs after it. The black haired man and his daughter are wearing life jackets on the boat]
Corduroy: Maybe I should wear a life jacket too, just in case. There's one on the boat. [founds a floatie] Here it is! [takes the floatie and puts it on] That's better.
[Moppy's toy boat floats in the middle of the pond]

[Lisa and Corduroy are washing their hands in the kitchen]
Lisa: We have to clean our hands and paws before we start!
[Lisa accidentally squirts water on Corduroy]
Corduroy: [laughs] Hey!
Lisa: [giggles] Oops!

[After Corduroy's imagination of spreading peanut butter and grape jelly to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich --his favorite thing to have for lunch. Then the scene cuts back to him in the kitchen making them.]
Corduroy: [continues his song "Peanut Butter"] ♪ Peanut, peanut butter-[spoken] AND JELLY! ♪
♪ Peanut, peanut butter-[spoken] AND JELLY! ♪
♪ [spoken] Then you take your sandwich and you eat it, you eat it! ♪
♪ [spoken] Then you take your sandwich and you eat it, you eat it! ♪

Lisa: Okay! This is going to be great!
Corduroy: [off-screen] What's that?
Lisa: It's Lisa's Lip-Smacking Lemonade. [smacks her lips]
Corduroy: [while Lisa adds sugar to the lemonade] Maybe you should measure the sugar before you put it in.
Lisa: Ohh! What's one or two spoons, huh?
Corduroy: That's looks like a lot of sugar!
Lisa: Now, here we've got some leftover macaroni, [dumps the uncook macaroni into the bowl] so I'm going to make a pasta salad. But first, I have to make the dressing.
[Lisa takes the soy sauce, the vinegar and the other dressing out of the shelf]
Lisa: [off-screen] Okay, vineger [pows the drop of vineger into the bowl] Soy sauce, [pows the drop of soy sauce into the bowl] Oh, Mom's favorite, hot peppers! [put the hot peppers into the bowl and then the coconut and the chocolate chips] Uh, coconut, chocolate chips. Hmm, prune juice. [on-screen] Never tried that before, but I bet it's really good. [pows the drop of prune juice into the bowl]

Flight of Fancy / 1 + 1 = 2 [1.6]

[In Corduroy's imagination, a bird fly through the sky]
Corduroy: Hi there, Mr. Birdie. [The bird flies away and Corduroy rides on the kite] Whee! Here I go!
[Corduroy flies his kite as a helicopter flies past]
Corduroy: Hi! Look at me, I'm flying!
[Corduroy flies past buildings. Three men tries to put the roof on top]
Corduroy: One, two, three, pull! [The roof is now on top] Yeah! There you go! Into the clouds I go! Wait till I tell Lisa!

[Lisa and Moppy's kite crash together]
Lisa and Moppy: [gasp]
[The broken kites fall into the tree]
Moppy: Look what you did!
Lisa: Me? Your kite bumped into mine!
Moppy: It did not!
Lisa: Did too!
Moppy: Did not!
Lisa: Did too!
Moppy: Did not!
Corduroy: Uh oh, Looks like big trouble.

Corduroy: What is a dinosaur?
Lisa: Dinosaurs, they lived millions of years ago. And they were very big.
Corduroy: Even bigger than Buckaroo?
[Buckaroo lets out a neigh in response.]
Lisa: They were a lot bigger than Buckaroo.

[In Lisa and Corduroy's imagination --which is to the prehistoric world-- they both meet Stegosaurus again and this time he's perfect. As for the "age of dinosaurs" subject, the "age of dinosaurs" is really Lisa and Corduroy's imagination from the dinosaur book. So Lisa and Corduroy are really in her dinosaur book --from the library-- meaning that they are just pretending like they are so. The Stegosaurus is actually Lisa and Corduroy's model dinosaur in disguise and not a real dinosaur. The period of time they are in right now is the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. That is, since the Tyrannosaurus Rex is also encountered too.]
Corduroy: Are you still wobbly?
Stegosaurus: Nope! See? [shows his perfect parts]
Lisa: Are you still cold?
Stegosaurus: Not anymore. Feel my skin! So soft and warm! [Lisa and Corduroy feels Stegosaurus' skin and Stegosaurus begin to laugh] That tickles! [off-screen] Would you like to hear me roar?
Corduroy: Sure! Go ahead!
[Stegosaurus roars loudly as a flock of pterosaurs fly away. The pterosaurs were a Pterodactylus. Indeed, the pterosaur Pterodactylus lived in the Jurassic period. But while it was a flying reptile and not a dinosaur, it did live in the same period of time as the Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, and Stegosaurus. Pterosaurs lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. The Brachiosaurus was seen in Lisa's dinosaur book. The Diplodocus was encountered by Lisa and Corduroy earlier.]
Stegosaurus: [laughs] I can roar even louder If you like.
[Lisa and Corduroy look at each other]
Lisa: That's okay.
Stegosaurus: Maybe you like to go for a ride.
Corduroy: A ride?
Lisa: Sure!
Stegosaurus: Just watch out for my back and tail. They're pointy.
[Lisa and Corduroy hop on Stegosaurus' back and Stegosaurus walks away with Lisa and Corduroy]

Cute as a Button / Sleep Tight [1.7]

Lisa: Mom, can I get some new sneakers, please?
Lisa's Mom: Whatever for? Yours are still in good shape.
Lisa: But they don't even compare to Moppy's. He got all this neat stuff on his sneakers. Mine are just so boring!
Lisa's Mom: [thinking Lisa is trying to follow the crowd after she saw Moppy's new sneakers] You shouldn't place so much weight on appearances. [thinks Lisa is better off not following the crowd] Your sneakers are perfectly fine.
Lisa: You mean perfectly plain!

[while Corduroy looks for his button, he enters the living room and he'll look for his button in here]
Corduroy: [looks under the couch] Ugh! Not under the sofa!
[Corduroy squeezes out of the couch and he is covered in grey dust. He wipes out all the dust using his paw]
Corduroy: Button, come out, come out, wherever you are! [sneezes]
[Corduroy wipes his nose using his paw. He finds a white checker piece and --at first-- mistakes it for an overalls button.]
Corduroy: There you are! [the camera pans in to the white checker piece] You're not my button. You're from Lisa's checker game.
[Corduroy walks to a red sofa to believe that he found his button.]
Corduroy: [grunts; gasping] Why, here's my button! Here's lot of my buttons!
[Corduroy gets on the sofa and goes over to one of the button and tries to pull it off when he --like the checker piece-- mistakes the button on the sofa for an overalls button. But it's tied town tight like all the others]
Corduroy: They're all tied down tight! Whoa! Oof!
[Corduroy crashes into a lamp and it falls down off-screen]

[After Lisa sews the overalls button on Corduroy's overalls.]
Lisa: [to Corduroy] I like you the way you are. But you are going to be more comfortable with your shoulder strap fastened.

[In Corduroy's imagination, he went to a dark, cool cave until he meet a friendly bear.]
Corduroy: Uh, hello?
Bear: [gasping] You're a bear!
Corduroy: Uh-huh! [gulps] You're not going to eat me, are you?
Bear: No, of course not. I thought you might like to sit and have some tea and muffins with me. [sighs sadly] Oh, it's because I look scary, isn't it?
Corduroy: Are you?
Bear: No! I'm perfectly nice! [off-screen] I've been practicing laughing and smiling, [on-screen] so if anyone came and visited me in my dark, cool cave, they wouldn't be afraid! But hardly anybody anybody ever comes to visit me. [growling] See why?
Corduroy: Uh-huh.
Bear: You don't think I look scary?
Corduroy: Well, at first I did. Talking to you, I know you're not scary. Not scary at all!
Bear: [looking at a refection of himself] What's inside is what counts, right?
Corduroy: [to Bear] That's right!

Lisa: Corduroy, you silly bear!
Corduroy: [pretends to be a real bear] Roar!
Lisa: [sees that Corduroy was imitating a real bear roaring] We can play later, Cordy, but first I have to get this tent set up. Moppy's going to be here any minute.
Corduroy: Moppy's coming here?
Lisa: [while finishing setting up the tent] He's staying for a sleepover.
Corduroy: [peeks into the tent] A sleepover? [walks to Lisa] I want to have a sleepover, too!
Lisa: Okay, you can have the bedroom.
Corduroy: [jumps for joy] Yay, I'm going to have a sleepover! [giggling] Lisa?
Lisa: Yes?
Corduroy: What's a sleepover?
Lisa: [explains to Corduroy about a sleepover] It's kinda of like a party, where your friends come over and stay all night. You get to play games and stay up late.
Corduroy: That sounds like fun! I know who I'm going to have at my sleepover! [leaves Lisa's tent while giggling]

Moppy's Dad: Well, so far so good.
Moppy's Mom: [to Lisa's Mom about Moppy's first night at Lisa's place for a sleepover] This is his his first night away from home. We've worried he might get a little...
Moppy: [off-screen; believing that he could stay at Lisa's place for a week] Wow! I could stay here for a whole week!
Moppy's Mom: [giggling] Homesick.

[Lisa went to her bedroom until she realizes Corduroy is having his own sleepover]
Lisa: [thinks Corduroy, Buckaroo, and Rosetta are in her room --though they had gone out to Lisa's tent] On second thought, maybe Cordy did want to have his own sleepover. Then maybe I shouldn't bother him. [yawns]
[Lisa turns her back to the bedroom door and went to the living room until she finds Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo in her tent]
Lisa: [off-screen; to Corduroy, Buckaroo, and Rosetta] What are you (three) doing here?
Corduroy: [about why he, Buckaroo, and Rosetta could not sleep even though he wanted to have his own sleepover] We missed you!
Buckaroo: [also about why he couldn't sleep] We couldn't get to sleep!
Rosetta: [adds her reason about not being able to get to sleep] Je ne comprends pas! I do not understand!
[Rosetta notes that she tried singing Corduroy a lullaby to help him go to sleep but that didn't work.]
Rosetta: Even my singing (on a lullaby) did not help!
Lisa: [tells them that they may not be ready to have their sleepovers yet] Maybe you're not ready to sleep on your own yet.
Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo: Mmm-hmm.
[Corduroy, Buckaroo, and Rosetta nod as they are now part of Lisa's sleepover. Later, the scene cuts to the living room --shown where Lisa and her toys Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo are in the tent. Lisa and her toys play with Lisa's make believe planetarium pretend to look at the stars and constellations. Lisa shows her toys the star constellations with her make-believe planetarium. This is shown on the black sheet that she had showed Moppy. They are having a short time playing or "short use" with the planetarium to see the stars before bedtime.]
Lisa: [showing Rosetta a constellation] Do you see that group of stars, Rosetta? [off-screen] That's Cassiopeia. But I think she looks more like a mouse.
[Cassiopeia's nose twinkles. Rosetta --when she sees the mouse constellation-- reacts to it.]
Rosetta: Did you hear that? I look just like a queen!
Lisa: [showing Buckaroo a constellation] Do you see that group of stars over there, Buckaroo? That's Pegasus the Horse.
[Pegasus's right eye twinkles. Pegasus the horse does look like Buckaroo the rocking horse. Buckaroo --when he sees the Pegasus the Horse constellation-- mimics a real horse neighing.]
Buckaroo: I like that one!
Corduroy: Is there a bear anywhere?
Lisa: [shows Corduroy two constellations] Actually, there are two bears. [off-screen] There's Ursa Minor --he's the little bear. And that one over there, that's Ursa Major --he's the big bear.
[Lisa shows out the final two constellations before everyone goes to bed.]
Corduroy: [to Lisa about the bear constellations --Ursa Minor and Ursa Major] Someday, I'm going to be a big bear. Right, Lisa?
[After the last constellation, Lisa puts the flashlight down, turns off the flashlight and takes down the black sheet planetarium so everyone stops playing and are led to go to bed. Corduroy is now in bed has told himself he is going to be a big bear like Ursa Minor and Ursa Major]
Lisa: [tucks Corduroy into bed] You're already a big bear, Cordy.
Corduroy: Good night, Lisa.
Lisa: Sleep tight, Cordy.
[Lisa, Corduroy, Rosetta, and Buckaroo are fallen fast asleep. Then the curtains closed the tent as the episode ends]

Toothache / Mop Top [1.8]

Moppy: You want to hear a joke?
Lisa: Sure.
Moppy: Knock, knock.
Lisa: Who's there?
Moppy: Amos.
Lisa: Amos who?
Moppy: A mosquito just bit me! [laughs]
[Lisa starts to laughs until she feels tooth because she now has a bad toothache]
Moppy: Usually everyone laughs when I tell them that one.
Lisa: The joke's funny, but this toothache isn't.
Moppy: Toothache?!
Lisa: I'll tell my mom as soon as I get home (to the building).
Moppy: You're gonna tell your mom?!
Lisa: Sure, why not? (What can go bad?)
Moppy: Because she'll make you go to the dentist.
Lisa: So? I've been to the dentist lots of times. It's no big deal.
Moppy: It is a big deal if you've got a toothache.
Lisa: What do you mean?
Moppy: [tells Lisa a story about when Moppy himself got a little toothache last year and about his older/younger brother who also went to the dentist] Last year I had a little toothache and I ended up getting three fillings! See? [shows Lisa his teeth fillings] And he froze my mouth with a needle this long!
[Lisa gulps in horror.]
Moppy: [he continues his story] And when my brother went to the dentist because he had a toothache --THE DENTIST PULLED MY BROTHER'S TOOTH RIGHT OUT!
[Lisa is shocked about Moppy's story. Because he --Moppy-- and his brother both had an experience at the dentist when they both had toothaches.]
Lisa: I thought the dentist would just make it feel better (on you and your brother).
Moppy's Dad: Make what feel better?
Lisa: Well...! Oh, nothing.

[In Lisa's room, Corduroy is riding on Buckaroo]
Corduroy: Giddy up! [laughs]
[Lisa enters her room and finds Corduroy who is rocking Buckaroo too fast]
Lisa: Corduroy? What are you doing?
Corduroy: I'm riding on Buckaroo! [stops rocking Buckaroo]
Lisa: How many times have I told you not to rock so fast?
Buckaroo: [sighs; tells Lisa about her warning about Corduroy not rocking him too fast] I've tried telling him. (And he won't just listen.)
Lisa: You're going to have to be more careful or else you're going to --ow-- hurt yourself.
Corduroy: What's wrong?
Lisa: I have a toothache.
Corduroy: Can't you get it fixed?
Lisa: I think I'll wait for it to get better on its own. [finds some library books] Oh, I left some books in the living room. Be right back, Cordy. Mom's taking us to the library. [leaves her bedroom and close the door]
Corduroy: Okay, giddy up, Buckaroo!
Buckaroo: But Lisa said... Oh, all right.
Corduroy: Faster! You can do it! [falls off Buckaroo] Whoa! Ow!
Buckaroo: [gasps; to Corduroy] Are you all right?
Corduroy: [gets up and sees that he has scraped his elbow] I think I scratched my elbow. [to Buckaroo] You aren't gonna tell Lisa are you?
Buckaroo: Hmm...

Corduroy: [off-screen] Lisa?
Lisa: Cordy, what happened?
Corduroy: [about how he fell off Buckaroo and scraped his elbow yesterday] I hurt it yesterday when I fell off Buckaroo. I was riding him to fast.
[Lisa --unaware of the fact that her toothache is still there-- becomes concerned about Corduroy's injury when he --Corduroy-- rocked on Buckaroo the rocking horse too fast and fell off of him.]
Lisa: You should have told me right away.
[Lisa picks up Corduroy.]
Lisa: Come on, I'll fix it up for you.
[In the bathroom, Lisa --despite still feeling her toothache-- puts the bandage on Corduroy's scraped and cut elbow.]
Lisa: There. How does it feel?
Corduroy: [feels the bandage on his cut after he fell off Buckaroo] Much better.
[Corduroy, he hugs Lisa.]
Lisa: [feels the toothache] Ow!
Corduroy: Sorry, I must have squeezed too hard.
Lisa: [to Corduroy while feeling her tooth] It's not your fault. It's my tooth.
Corduroy: Didn't get better on its own?
Lisa: [about her toothache] I was hoping it would but it's getting worse! It hurts when I eat something hot, it hurts when I eat something cold, it hurts when I laugh, and it hurts when I sleep!
[Lisa walks around as she talks about her toothache. Then she goes over to Corduroy, despite his injury being healed after falling off Buckaroo.]
Lisa: [turns to Corduroy about it] But now it even hurts when you hug me!
Corduroy: What are you going to do?
Lisa: [sadly --and to answer Corduroy's question] Something that I should have done a long time ago!
[Later, the scene cuts to where Lisa and Corduroy are in the living room with Lisa's mom. Lisa is going tell her mom the truth about her toothache.]
Lisa's Mom: [to Lisa when she had not admitted the truth yet about her toothache and not yet had told her about it in the first place] Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Lisa: I would have but I was afraid of the giant needle.
Lisa Mom: The giant needle?
Lisa: It's this long!
Lisa's Mom: Mm, and where did you hear about this?
Lisa: Moppy.
Lisa's Mom: I'm pretty sure Moppy's exaggerating.
Lisa: Why would he do that?
Lisa's Mom: I know he didn't mean any harm. Sometimes when you worried about something your mind exaggerates things like the size of a needle.
Lisa: You mean it's not this big?
Lisa's Mom: More like this small. The needle is just meant to keep you from being uncomfortable. You can hardly feel it.
Lisa: And I'm not going to get my teeth pulled out either?
Lisa's Mom: Your teeth pulled out? Goodness, no. Whoever told you?
[Lisa's mom thinks that Lisa have heard that from Moppy.]
Lisa's Mom: Let me guess.
[Lisa and her mom started to laugh.]
Lisa and Lisa's Mom: Moppy.
[They continue to laugh. But Lisa's tooth hurts when she laughs.]
Lisa: Ow!

Dentist: [before starting the said dentist checkup] But first [takes Corduroy out of Lisa's knapsack and hands him to Lisa], having your bear (Corduroy) nearby may make you feel more comfortable.

Dentist: There's no need to be nervous. I'm just going to take a picture of your teeth.
Lisa: I like getting my picture taken.
Corduroy: [thinking] Me too.
[In Lisa and Corduroy's first imagination, they're in a photo booth getting their picture taken]
Lisa: Not like that, Cordy. [giggles] Like this! [makes a funny face] Aaahhh.
[The camera from the booth takes a picture of Lisa and Corduroy making funny faces]

[In Lisa and Corduroy's second imagination, the waiter give Lisa plate of spaghetti and red sauce]
Lisa: It looks delicious.
Waiter: And for you, sir. Enjoy. [he leaves]
Corduroy: Mm! [slurps]
[Corduroy takes out a fork and eats a bit spaghetti and swallows it. He and Lisa laugh]

Art Smart / A Hot Day in the City [1.9]

[At the art gallery --Lisa's mom's art gallery-- with Lisa, Corduroy, and Rosetta, Corduroy is playing with the art as he jumps up and down when he's trying to climb on the statue until Lisa picks him up. At this, Corduroy thinks that he and Rosetta can doing anything they want in the art gallery just because no one else is in it nor using it. So when Corduroy asks Lisa to "help him climb the statue", Lisa picks him up thinking she might do so]
Corduroy: [laughing; trying to get Lisa to help him climb on the statue as he jokingly wants to climb it] Help me up, please...!
Lisa: [knows the truth about the "HANDS OFF" signs --meaning "look but don't touch"] Sorry, Cordy. No can do.
[Lisa calls to Rosetta who is also playing on the art. Rosetta is swinging on the red ropes.]
Lisa: [turns to Rosetta] Come on down (from the red ropes), Rosetta.
Rosetta: [believing the art gallery is closed for today] But the art gallery is closed today. No?
[Rosetta also thinks that she and Corduroy can do anything they want in the art gallery.]
Rosetta: That means we have the whole place to ourselves!
Lisa: (Not quite.) It's great that Mom is letting us wander around while she's working.
[Lisa continues to Corduroy and Rosetta about the art gallery and its rules. She says it is for everyone and talks to them about the ropes in the gallery.]
Lisa: [to Rosetta about the ropes] But those ropes aren't for playing. [then to Corduroy about the art sculptures] And neither is this art.
Corduroy: I'm not supposed to play here?
Lisa: Uh-uh. These red ropes are for keeping people from getting too close to the art. It means look but don't touch.

[Lisa sees Corduroy is covered with clay while building his own sculpture.]
Lisa: [playfully laughs] Careful, Corduroy!
[Lisa cleans the wet clay off Corduroy's head with a wet rag.]
Lisa: [playfully laughs] If you don't you might become Clay-duroy!
[Lisa funnily warns Corduroy and gives him a nickname to be a parody of his name. She --after she says this "If you don't, you may become 'Clay-duroy'!"-- replaces the first syllable --or "prefix"-- "Cor" in his name --which is "Corduroy"-- with "Clay". And --with the new syllable "Clay"-- she repronounces it as "Clay-duroy" for a new name on him. That is, if he is not careful and is seen covered with clay. Then she notes about the sculpture that Corduroy made.]
Lisa: Your sculpture's really taking shape.
Rosetta: What about my painting, Lisa?
Lisa: It's really good.
Corduroy: It's nice.
Rosetta: [about her painting and Corduroy's sculpture; and thinks that Lisa likes Corduroy's sculpture better than her painting] Good? Nice? Mais non, it's more than good or nice. It's...! It's a...!
[To be a parody of the word "masterpiece", Rosetta replaces the first syllable --prefix-- "mas" in the word "masterpiece" with "mouse". Then she repronounces it as "mouse-terpiece". Again, see nickname in next quote.]
Rosetta: A Mouse-terpiece!
[The red paint from the paintbrush lands on Rosetta's face.]

Rosetta: That is not fair! Lisa can't love both my painting and Corduroy's sculpture at the same time. If only I was in a place where people could truly appreciate my art.
[In Rosetta's imagination, the people who are in the art gallery are looking at Rosetta's paintings]
Man: [off-screen] Oh, Rosetta's colours!
Women: [off-screen] Her shapes!
Man and Women: [on-screen] Very, very nice!
Man #2: [off-screen] Rosetta's a very good artiste.
Women #2: [off-screen] Yes. But have you seen the bear's sculpture?
[Rosetta is shocked]
Rosetta: No! Corduroy's work is better than mine?! (Oh-no!)
[Rosetta watches the people leave as they to see Corduroy's sculpture. She drives all the way to the top of the art work sees Corduroy's sculpture]
Rosetta: Ah!
Lisa's Mom: Notice the fine lines, the perfect shape. A magnificent piece of work. Outstanding.
[The people cheered and clapped for Corduroy as he yawns]
Lisa's Mom: Indeed, this sculpture by the artist Corduroy is this art gallery's greatest, most important masterpiece.
[Rosetta looks very shocked of Corduroy's sculpture]
Lisa: Don't you just love it?
[Rosetta has an unhappy expression]

[After the incident, Rosetta gets back on the art table and looks at her ruined painting after she --with her jealousy-- ruined her painting and broke Corduroy's sculpture.]
Rosetta: [finds her painting ruined by herself] Look! I ruined my painting!

[Lisa and Corduroy are in the playground trying to make the swings move]
Lisa: Do you want to ride the teeter totter, Cordy?
Corduroy: It is too hot to play.
Lisa: I know. It's even hotter than yesterday. [huffs]
Corduroy: It's the hottest day ever.
[Lisa pulls out the grass and throws to see if the breeze is coming but it didn't came. From this point, Lisa and Corduroy see it is way too hot and do not know that this heat can melt any frozen things]
Lisa: There isn't even a breeze to cool us off.
Corduroy: My fur is making me even hotter.
Lisa: Let's go home, Cordy. It's air-conditioned there.
Corduroy: Will it be nice and cool?
Lisa: And on the way back, we can visit...!
Corduroy: The sweet shop?

[Lisa comes home until she feel the hot heat from inside instead of the breeze from the air-conditioner]
Lisa: Huh?
Corduroy: [panting] I'm still hot.
Lisa: What's wrong with the air conditioning?
Lisa's Mom: It hasn't been working for most of the day.
Lisa: Can I go over to Moppy's to get cool?
Lisa's Mom: I'm afraid the air conditioning is broken down for the whole building. Pandro's trying to fix it.
[Lisa puts down her knapsack down to the floor and puts Corduroy on the sofa's handle]
Lisa: Can we go to the beach?
Lisa's Mom: Sorry. The beach is quite a distance away, hon. By the time we get there, it'll be evening.
Lisa: Oh...

[In Lisa and Corduroy's imagination, they're at the beach and they both finished the sandcastle]
Lisa: A castle fit for a king.
Corduroy: Someday I want to be a king.
Lisa: Well, King Corduroy, do you want to go beachcombing?
Corduroy: Beachcombing? (What's beachcombing?)
Lisa: We'll look for seashells and other neat stuff (along the way).
Corduroy: You mean like a treasure hunt?
Lisa: [off-screen] Sort of. [on-screen] Come on.
[Corduroy follows Lisa. Lisa and Corduroy's footprints are shown on the sand as Lisa and Corduroy went to collect seashells. as Corduroy puts shells into the bucket, he sees a conch shell laying on the beach]
Corduroy: [to Lisa when he finds a conch shell] Look!
[The camera zooms in to a conch shell. Corduroy runs through the beach and picks the conch shell with his paws]
Lisa: Wow, that's a real big one. Try blowing it.
[Corduroy blows on the conch shell making a "very" long note]
Corduroy: Whoa! What more could a bear ask for?
Lisa: [sees another shell in the distance] Look how pretty that shell is.
[Another shell lays on the sandy beach. Corduroy touches the shell and it started to move]
Corduroy: [laughs as he fell backwards] Hey! [laughing] This one moves.
[A hermit crab (who is inside the shell) continues to crawl through the sandy beach until Lisa picks him up and she looks inside his shell]
Lisa: It's a hermit crab.
[The hermit crab comes out of his shell with a grumpy expression]
Lisa: See? He's hiding.
Corduroy: He doesn't look very happy (today).
Lisa: I think he looks kind of crabby.
[Lisa and Corduroy begin to laugh with joy. Then Lisa put the hermit crab on the sandy beach and the hermit crab crawls away from Lisa and Corduroy so he can join in the other crabs]
Corduroy: [off-screen] Whoa, it's a whole bunch of crabbies!
[Lisa and Corduroy started laughing again as the hermit crab went into the ocean. Suddenly, a baby sea turtle pops out of the sand after it hatched out from an egg]
Lisa: [off-screen] Look, Corduroy. It's a baby (sea) turtle.
[The baby sea turtle crawls to the ocean]
Corduroy: [off-screen] Where's it going?
Lisa: Into the ocean. That's where it's going to grow up.
Corduroy: [to Lisa as he watches the baby sea turtle goes into the ocean] Someday, I want to look inside the ocean and find out what else lives there.
Lisa: I'd like that, too. Feel that ocean breeze?
[Lisa and Corduroy sigh together]
Corduroy: It's so nice and cool.

Yours, Mine and Ours / Say Cheese [1.10]

Lisa: [knocking on the door] Moppy! Moppy, hurry up! The block party's already started!
Moppy: [opens the door; laughs] I know. My mom just took the cheese fondue down a minute ago!
Lisa: Ready to go?
Moppy: Are you kidding? I skipped breakfast so I'd have more room for all the free food! [feels his stomach] I'm gonna stuff myself silly!
Lisa: [reminds Moppy never to get greedy] Don't get too greedy! We might want to taste, right, Cordy?
Corduroy: [thinking] Right!

Lisa: [to Ice Cream Man] Hi, two cones, please!
Ice Cream Man: [chuckling] So, how about one at a time? It's so hot, the second one will melt before you even get to it. Or is one for your little bear?
Lisa: [giggling] Of course they're not for me. One is for my friend back there.
[Moppy --for a hiding place and to avoid being caught-- runs behind a lady and tries to hide behind her. That is, to avoid his guilty conscience. But the lady, she walks away --allowing Moppy to get caught by the ice cream man.]
Moppy: Uh-oh!
[The ice cream man successfully catches Moppy --after seeing that he has had four ice cream cones already.]
Moppy: Uh...!
Ice Cream Man: HEY YOU!
[The ice cream man turns to Lisa.]
[The ice cream man is mad.]
Ice Cream Man: [turns back to Moppy] WELL NO MORE, YOU GREEDY LITTLE BOY!
[The ice cream man wheels away after stating that Moppy must not have another ice cream cone after already having four.]

Corduroy: Hi, Lisa!
Lisa: [turns to Corduroy] Shh!
Corduroy: What are you doing?
Lisa: I'm taking pictures!
Corduroy: [whispering] Why do you have to be quiet to take pictures?
Lisa: Because I want to take surprise pictures, starting with Mom first. Shh!
[Corduroy is trying to be quiet. To be quiet, he covers his mouth by using both his paws. When Corduroy is not looking, Lisa sneaks to her mother's bedroom and goes on to her out of no where without her mother's permission with taking pictures. She finds her folding clothes while having curlers and face cream on. Then she makes ready to take her mother's picture. She sneakily smiles at her mother and whips out her camera to take the picture.]
Lisa: [takes her mother's picture with the camera] Say cheese!
[Lisa snaps the picture on her mother.]
Lisa's Mom: [gasps] Ooh!
[Lisa's Mom looks side to side where the loud click came from, then sees Lisa with the camera.]
Lisa: [laughing; taunts her mother] Got ya!
[Then Lisa laughs. Even though Lisa thought it was funny, her mother does not think it's very funny.]
Lisa's Mom: [becomes surprised] Lisa! You just scared the daylights out of me!
Lisa: Sorry, Mom. But this makes a great picture. See you later!
[Lisa runs away with the picture she snapped on her mother.]

[As Pandro is eating a hamburger for lunch, a mouse peeks out of the mouse hole and smells the hamburger. Bread crumbs from the hamburger bun fell on the floor as the mouse spots them. Pandro is about to take another bite until he spots the mouse staring at him and his hamburger]
Pandro Mouse!
Lisa: [takes Pandro's picture with the camera] Say cheese!
[Pandro stands on the chair as the mouse flees away holding a bread crumb with its mouth]
Pandro: [spots Lisa who already takes a picture of him] Hey, did you just take a picture of me?
Lisa: It's going to be a great shot, Pandro. Bye! [runs out of the shed]

[Lisa sits down on the stair case while looking at the pictures that she took today]
Lisa: [giggling] Wow, these are great!
Moppy's Mom: [arrives at the building carrying groceries] Hi, Lisa! How are your photos turning out?
Lisa: Even better than I thought! [shows Moppy's Mom the photos]
[Lisa gives Moppy's Mom the pictures and she finds one that Lisa snapped on her when her apron is covered in chocolate icing after she and Moppy's Dad made the cake. She finds another picture when she and Moppy's Dad are covered in the cake which they accidentally had ruined]
Moppy's Mom: [about the smashed and ruined cake in the picture] Oh, (on Moppy's Dad and I), that cake (which we baked) could have tasted much better on a plate, instead of on our clothes.
Lisa: What do you think?
Moppy's Mom: Well, Moppy's Dad and I, we look pretty silly, don't you think?
Lisa: [giggling] Funny, isn't it?
Moppy's Mom: Well...
[Pandro opens the door and walks down the stairs]
Lisa: [to Pandro] Pandro, I got a great picture of you here, too!
Moppy's Mom: I'd better get these groceries inside. Bye, Lisa. Bye, Pandro. [went inside]
[Lisa gives Pandro a picture. Pandro gasps when he sees one that Lisa snapped on him when he hides from the mouse]
Lisa: [showing Pandro the mouse] Look, there's the mouse you were hiding from!
Pandro: [finds the mouse on the picture] Oh, yes, there it is. Right in the picture.
[The scene cuts to where Lisa holds a picture of Moppy doing a dance move who is completely chaotic]
Lisa: [off-screen] Check it out, Moppy!
Moppy: [practicing his dance move while kicking a ball] I'm busy, Lise.
Lisa: [giggling] Come on, it's pretty funny.
Moppy: No thanks, I don't need to look at pictures of me looking silly.
Lisa: [as her frown becomes upside down] Okay, fine!

[Lisa gets home from taking pictures. She has taken pictures on her mother, Moppy's parents, Pandro, and Moppy again. That is, even though they were doing something which was private. Indeed, Lisa was snooping through their privacy. The scene then cuts to her mother while reading her book in the kitchen at the kitchen table is looking rather embarrassed. Because what Lisa did was snapping photos on everyone in the building without their permission including her mother too when she privately had curlers and face cream on in the morning]
Lisa: [to her mother] You want to see the pictures that I took today?
[Lisa's Mom is not happy about Lisa's "snapping pictures" behavior in the building.]
Lisa's Mom: [to Lisa] I'm hearing that you've snapped all sorts of photos around here. I am very curious to see how they turned out.
[As Lisa's Mom is looking through the pictures that Lisa took around the building.]
Lisa: I know you may like my pictures, Mom. [about Moppy] Moppy, he does not think it is right to sneak up on people to take surprise pictures.
[Lisa's Mom looks through the pictures. After going through them, she then finds the picture that Lisa snapped on her earlier in the morning when she had curlers and face cream on. The picture reveals to showing Lisa's Mom in an embarrassed look to after Lisa took a picture of her; and right after Lisa invaded her privacy. The picture that her mother reveals is a picture of her with curlers and face cream on and an awkward face when Lisa took her picture.]
Lisa's Mom: [looks at the picture] Oh...!
[Lisa's Mom looks at the picture --after she found the one picture that Lisa snapped on her-- then turns back to Lisa.]
Lisa's Mom: I can see why. You took these pictures without getting people's permission first.
Lisa: Mm-hmm.
Lisa's Mom: That is an invasion of their privacy.
Lisa: You mean, you do not like them either?
Lisa's Mom: No, Lisa. I don't. They may be good photographs. But they aren't very nice ones.
Lisa: Well, I think everyone in the building is a little too touchy around here. I am going to go put my pictures into an album.
[Lisa runs off with the pile of pictures and into her room. Lisa's mom sits at the dining room table and takes out the photo of herself with face cream on --and an awkward expression-- then looks at it.]

[When Lisa enters her room, she finds Corduroy snooping through her private stuff from her treasure chest. Corduroy had gotten Rosetta and Buckaroo to go in it so he could play pirates with them and use Lisa's treasure chest of private things as a treasure chest. But he was the one to go in it first without permission]
Lisa: [gasps] Corduroy! [off-screen] What are you doing in my chest?
Rosetta and Buckaroo: [sees Lisa] Uh-oh!
[The closet door closes as Lisa is going to have a word to Corduroy about her private treasure chest. But Lisa only scolds Corduroy for it then has a word with him about her "treasure chest"]
Corduroy: What did I do?
Lisa: You snooped through my stuff, my private stuff, without asking! [off-screen] You must know better (in the first place).
Corduroy: [sadly; to Lisa cause he know he should ask her next time] I'm sorry, Lisa. I guess I should have asked you first.

Once, Twice, Ice / Sticks and Stones [1.11]

Lisa: You're not Dr. Moppy, [feels Moppy's hair and picks up Corduroy] you're Sloppy Toppy! [giggles]
Moppy: [puts his annoyed face to Lisa] Dr. Sloppy Toppy.
Lisa: [giggling while holding Corduroy] Sloppy Toppy! [laughs] Sloppy Toppy needs a brush to brush his hair!

[After Lisa left her room so she can go to Moppy's place to listen to Moppy's violin, Corduroy and Buckaroo came to life]
Corduroy: Why couldn't you move, Buckaroo?
Buckaroo: [to Corduroy while trying to move again] I don't know! I keep getting stuck!
Corduroy: [starts to laugh] Stuck?
Buckaroo: Yeah that's right, stuck.
Corduroy: Like a Stuckaroo, Buckaroo?
Buckaroo: [muttering] Er-uh...heh.
Corduroy: Stuckaroo, Stuckaroo [jumps up and down on Lisa's bed] his legs and feet are made of glue! [off-screen] Funny huh?
[Corduroy, in total has called Buckaroo, "Stuckaroo" three times]

Moppy: You don't want it anyway. All you talk about is pizza!
Lisa: [giggles and calls Moppy a nickname "Sloppy Toppy"] Sloppy Toppy!
Moppy: [calls Lisa a nickname back --in sense that Lisa is thinking about having pizza for lunch] Lisa Pizza!
[Lisa then stops laughing and lets out a gasp after what Moppy just called her. Moppy had called Lisa a nickname; "Lisa Pizza"]
Lisa: [wants to know what Moppy called her] (Wait...?!) What did you call me?!
Moppy: [still thinking it's funny, he repeats the nickname and says it four times at this] Lisa Pizza, Lisa Pizza, Lisa Pizza!
[At first Lisa becomes awkward about the nickname --which was "Lisa Pizza"-- spoken by Moppy. But then looks rather upset right after Moppy calls her "Lisa Pizza". Meanwhile, the scene cuts to Lisa's room where Corduroy is trying to pull Buckaroo with a rope because Buckaroo's rockers can't move]
Corduroy: [after trying his best to make Buckaroo move again] Not again!
Buckaroo: Mmm. [sees his rockers who are still stuck] I can't help it if my rockers are stuck.
Corduroy: I guess. But that's because you're, [calls Buckaroo --for a fourth time-- a nickname "Stuckaroo"] Stuckaroo! [laughing]
Buckaroo: That's, Buckaroo. (Not Stuckaroo.)
Corduroy: [repeats the nickname for a fifth time] Buckaroo the Stuckaroo, his legs and feet are made of glue!
[Corduroy has said "Stuckaroo" two more times at this. In total, he has said this name on Buckaroo five times]
Buckaroo: Well, you're, you're...! [calls Corduroy a nickname back; in sense that Corduroy is pretending that he has a cast on his head from the pretend game "doctor" which he was playing with Lisa and Moppy on] You're a Boo-Boo Head!
[Corduroy then stops laughing and lets out a gasp after what Buckaroo just called him. Buckaroo --after seeing Corduroy's pretend cast-- said that Corduroy was a "Boo-Boo Head". Meanwhile, the scene cuts back to Moppy's place where Lisa is still rather upset when Moppy called her "Lisa Pizza". Lisa knows what she just heard from Moppy when he said that nickname.]
Moppy: [to Lisa; as he whips out an imaginary camera and forces her to smile at the "camera"] Hey, Lisa Pizza...! Smile for the camera! Say cheese! Get it? Pizza?! Cheese?!
[Lisa pushes the kitchen table chair and stands up because she's going home]
Lisa: It's not that funny. I'm going!
Moppy: But what about your sandwich? Aren't you gonna eat it?
Lisa: I'd rather go home than be called "Lisa Pizza"!
Moppy: [gasping] Well I'd rather go home than be called "Sloppy Toppy"!
Lisa: (What are you talking about?) You are home!
Moppy: Oh, yeah, well...! [off-screen] Well, I still don't like being called "Sloppy Toppy"! Wherever I am!
Lisa: Fine!
Moppy: Fine!
[Lisa opens the door as she exits Moppy's place. Then she angrily shuts the door.]

Lisa: [crying because Moppy called her "Lisa Pizza"] I don't like being called "Lisa Pizza".
Lisa's Mom: I know, hon.

[In the kitchen from Moppy's place, Moppy haven't touched nor eaten his "Sloppy Toppy" sandwich because he was feeling rather upset when Lisa called him a bad name; which was "Sloppy Toppy". Lisa opens the door and finds Moppy sitting on the kitchen table all alone]
Lisa: Hi, Moppy, can I come in?
Moppy: [sadly] I guess.
[Lisa closes the door and sits on a kitchen table chair]
Lisa: You hardly touched your sandwich (you made for yourself).
Moppy: I don't feel like eating.
Lisa: I know what you mean. [apologizing Moppy] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. [tells Moppy that she will not call him "Sloppy Toppy" again] I won't call you "Sloppy Toppy" ever again.
Moppy: [apologizing Lisa that he will not call her "Lisa Pizza" anymore] And I won't call you "Lisa Pizza" anymore.
[Lisa smiles at Moppy. In Lisa's room, Buckaroo is looking outside the window all alone. Corduroy peeks from Lisa's bedroom door and finds Buckaroo all alone]
Corduroy: Hi, Buckaroo.
Buckaroo: [thinks that Corduroy is still calling him a bad name; which was "Stuckaroo"] What did you say?
Corduroy: I said, "Hi, Buckaroo".
Buckaroo: You're not going to call me, that name anymore?
Corduroy: No more (bad) name calling. [apologizing Buckaroo] Sorry.
Buckaroo: [apologizing Corduroy for calling him a bad name earlier; which was "Boo-Boo Head"] Well, I shouldn't have called you a Boo-Boo Head.

Super Duper Market / Party Plans [1.12]

Lisa's Mom: [reminds Lisa to add carrots to the list while checking the refrigerator] Could you add carrots please?
Lisa: [spelling the word, "Carrots"] C-A-R-R-O-T-S. Carrots, got it!
Lisa's Mom: And we're going to need more eggs if we're going to make those cupcakes!
Lisa: [spelling the word, "Eggs"] E-G-G-S. Eggs. Mom, if we're going to make cupcakes, maybe we should get some candy sprinkles to put on top?
Lisa's Mom: [laughs] Okay. [closes the refrigerator door] I guess you better add those too. That's it then, let's get a move on.
Lisa: I'm bringing Corduroy. Be right back! [leaves the kitchen to get Corduroy]

Lisa: Oooh, brrr. Lucky you've got fur, it's kind of cold here. [went to get a carton of eggs]
Corduroy: [thinking] There's food everywhere! It's not a supermarket, it's a super duper market! Where do they get all this food?
Lisa: From a whole bunch of farms.
Corduory: [thinking] I've always wanted to visit a farm.
[In Lisa and Corduroy's imagination, a herd of cows are eating grass. One cow moos]
Lisa: [off-screen] On the farm, there would be cows.
Corduroy: [off-screen] Lots of cows! [mimics a cow mooing] Oh, and some chickens!
[In the red barn, some chickens are pecking for food]
Lisa and Corduroy: [singing "Lisa and Cordy had a farm"; their own version of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"] ♪ Lisa and Cordy had a farm, ♪
♪ E-I-E-I-O! ♪
Lisa: ♪ And on their farm they had some chickens, ♪
Corduroy: [off-screen] ♪ E-I-E-I-O! ♪
Lisa: ♪ With a cluck cluck here, ♪
Corduroy: ♪ With a cluck cluck there, ♪
Lisa: ♪ Here a cluck, ♪
Corduroy: ♪ There a cluck, ♪
Lisa and Corduroy: [together] ♪ Everywhere a cluck cluck! ♪
♪ Lisa and Cordy had a farm, ♪
♪ E-I-E-I-O! ♪
[Lisa and Corduroy as farmers leave the barn with a basket full of eggs]

Lisa's Mom: You have to be more careful. [seriously; about the floor that is wet and slippery] A wet floor is a slippery floor.
Lisa: Don't worry, we're okay. Right, Cordy?
Corduroy: [thinking] Right!
Lisa's Mom: I'm glad you're okay, Lisa. [points to that old lady who is not being careful] But what if you caused that lady to slip and fall? Remember, better safe and sorry.

Corduroy: [off-screen; seeing the bear-shape peanut butter jar] Mmm, peanut butter!
[Corduroy stood up in the cart and tries to peanut butter. He stops and sees one that looked exactly like him]
Corduroy: [giggling] The jars look just like me!
[Lisa blinks her eyes as she watches Corduroy trying to get the peanut butter. Corduroy grabs the jar but loses his blanace]
Corduroy: Whoops!
[Lisa gasps in horror when her teddy bear needed help. She quickly catches him in her hands before he and the peanut butter falls to the floor]
Lisa: [catches Corduroy as he's still holding the peanut butter] I've got you!
Corduroy: And I got the peanut butter!
[Corduroy and Lisa begin to laugh as Lisa puts Corduroy back on the cart so he care be more careful. Then Corduroy hands the peanut butter to Lisa]
Lisa: Can we get some peanut butter, please? For Corduroy?
Lisa's Mom: Only if he promises to share.
Corduroy: [thinking] I promise!
Lisa: Cordy says yes.

[Lisa and Corduroy are talking about the dangerous acts which they were fooling around with.]
Lisa: [mentions one of them which was the automatic door area in the supermarket] Yeah. But what if the doors were mixed up when they were supposed to open?

Corduroy: [thinking] Being safe is better than being sorry.
Lisa: From now on, we are going to do things the safe way. Then we won't have to be sorry.
Corduroy: [thinking] What more could a bear ask for?

Corduroy: [after his friends can't play with him today] Why don't they want to play with me (today)? [pause] I must be sad. I don't like being sad.
[In Corduroy's flashback, he was sitting on a toy shelf in the toy store surrounding by toys who were also on the shelf with him. This part is loosely from the Don Freeman book; Corduroy from the Corduroy book series]
Corduroy: [voice over] I used to sad when I lived in the toy store (back then). I waited everyday (and everynight) for somebody to take me home. Then, one day---
Lisa: [off-screen] Mom, look! [on-screen] That's the very bear I've always wanted.
Lisa's Mom: Not today, dear. I've spend too much already. [about Corduroy who doesn't look like new because he's missing a button from one of the shoulder straps] Besides he doesn't look new. [off-screen] He's lost the button to one of his shoulder straps.
Lisa: [gets Corduroy out of the toy shelf] But he's got sparkly eyes [off-screen] and a real nice smile. [on-screen] He's perfect. [to her mother] I've saved up my own money. Can't I buy him, please?
[In Lisa's room, Lisa opens her bedroom door and welcomes Corduroy to his new home]
Lisa: [welcoming Corduroy to her bedroom from her place in the apartment] Welcome to your new home, Corduroy.
[Corduroy was surprised when he sees Lisa's room for the very first time]
Corduroy: [off-screen] Wow! [on-screen; turns to Lisa and hugs her] You must be a friend, I've always wanted a friend.
Lisa: [happily; to Corduroy] Me too!
[Back in the present day, Corduroy started to sniff sadly as he begins sobbing]
Corduroy: [becomes heartbroken as tears rolls down his cheeks] Maybe nobody wants to be friends with me anymore. [closes the linen closet door]
NOTE: This is the second of the two episodes (the second episode after "Mop Top") where Corduroy cries.

Finder's Keepers / Between the Covers [1.13]

[In the final episode of the TV series, what Lisa's Mom states to Lisa, it refers to the first episode from way back in the start of the said series; "Lost and Found". After all, this episode "Finders Keepers / Between the Covers" is the final episode of the series.]
Lisa's Mom: [to Lisa] Do you remember the time when you lost Corduroy?
Lisa: Yes. The subway conductor found Cordy and took him to the lost and found.
Lisa's Mom: How would you have felt if that conductor decided to keep Corduroy for himself?
Lisa: I guess you are right, Mom.
Lisa's Mom: [about J.R] Let's check J.R's collar again. Sometimes an owner might put some identification on the other side of a pet's tag. [checks the other side of J.R's tag] Here we go. A phone number.
[Although Lisa had not known who J.R the dog belonged to, Lisa's Mom checks the other side of J.R's collar. The other side of the collar shows his correct owner's name and the phone number to call if he gets lost. Lisa's Mom goes over to the telephone to call the phone number]

[In Lisa's room, Lisa is reading the last lines and pages of the story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" --a story from her library book.]
Lisa: [reading] And Baby Bear said, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed! And she still is!". Goldilocks, woke up at once. And she saw three bears all staring down at her. "AAAAH!", screamed Goldilocks. She jumped out of Baby Bear's bed and ran out the door. And she never was seen again. Papa Bear and Mama Bear spooned some of the leftover porridge (from the porridge pot). And they put it into Baby Bear's empty bowl (after Goldilocks ate up all his porridge). Then the happy bears (who never saw Goldilocks again), they all sat down to breakfast. At last, everything was just right. (As for Goldilocks, from that day on, she never touched anything that didn't belong to her.)
Corduroy: The end.
[Lisa and Corduroy have finished their story. Indeed, according to the story --and at the end-- after Goldilocks left the bears's house, she --from then on-- never touched things that didn't belong to her again. She stopped being stubborn, traded in her tricks, and did exactly what her parents told her. As for the three bears, they put a lock on their door. And they never knew what a favor they had done for Goldilocks. In fact, they --the bears-- never saw her again. After they finish reading it, Lisa closes the book at looks at her cookies. She finds her cookies almost all gone. It's just one half eaten chocolate chip cookie on the cookie plate. This is like the part from the said story --the part where Goldilocks ate up Baby Bear's porridge. As a result, Lisa and Corduroy are in a short act out from the said story in Lisa's room before going to bed. Corduroy --had all along-- eaten Lisa's cookies. That is, just like how Goldilocks from the story ate up Baby Bear's porridge.]
Lisa: [recites a line from her story as she pretends to be like Baby Bear] Hey! Somebody has been tasting my cookies! (And it's all gone!)
Corduroy: Uh-oh...!
[Corduroy cleans and dusts off the cookie crumbs away by using his paw after tasting Lisa's cookies and eating almost all of them like in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".]
Corduroy: I wonder who did that!
Lisa: [pretends to be like Baby Bear] Somebody has been drinking my milk! And there is hardly any left!
Corduroy: [giggling; has pretended to be Goldilocks when he ate up Lisa's cookies and drank up her milk] Just like in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".
Lisa: [makes her own version of the said story; calling it "Lisa Locks and the Cordy Bear"] It should be "Lisa-Locks and the Cordy Bear".
[As a result, Lisa has replaced the word "Goldilocks" and "Three Bears" in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" with "Lisa Locks" and "Cordy Bear" respectively and repronounces and renames the title "Lisa Locks and the Cordy Bear"]

[In Lisa and Corduroy's imagination, which takes Lisa and Corduroy to the said fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" with Lisa calling it "Lisa Locks and the Cordy Bear", Corduroy as "Baby Bear" finds Lisa-Locks in his tiny bed. This is also like in the book; the part where Goldilocks slept in Baby Bear's bed. In the imagination, Lisa Locks slept in Corduroy's bed]
Corduroy: [as "Baby Bear" and finds Lisa in her own version of "Goldilocks" called "Lisa Locks"] Hey! Somebody has been sleeping in my bed! (And there she is!) She must be Lisa Locks!

Voice cast

  • Asa Perlman as Corduroy, Lisa's stuffed bear.
  • Alesha Morrison as Lisa, Corduroy's owner and friend.
  • Camille James as Lisa's Mom.
  • Diane Fabian as Rosetta, the toy mouse.
  • Len Carlson as Buckaroo, the rocking horse.
  • Jake Goldsbie as Marty "Moppy", Lisa's friend.
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