Chipo Chung

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Chipo Tariro Chung (born 17 August 1977) is a Zimbabwean actress and activist based in London.



"Dido, Queen of Carthage, RSC" (2017)


By Abiola Lawal, 28/10/2017, Dido, Queen of Carthage, RSC.

  • I think whatever race, age or background that you are from you can understand the torment of love and the sacrifice of love and the competitiveness of love and the absolute agony and despair when someone chooses their own ambition and destiny over being with you which is sort of a greater betrayal as it’s not even another person that they have chosen it’s themselves that they are choosing over you.
  • The literal meaning of immortality is to be a god and immortality is to have your story told again and again and again, forever.
  • Doing the classics is a very muscular, a very athletic undertaking, you have to be very fit for it.
  • I think that you have to differentiate between talent and casting and not let the fact that you’re not cast for something make that mean a judgment on your talent because it isn’t. You have to separate them.
  • Acting is the only profession where equal opportunities do not count and where discrimination is part of the process of getting the job.
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