Chen Ming-tong

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Exactly what kind of peace agreement (with Mainland China) are we (Taiwan) signing, if we sign one at this moment?
As Beijing has never renounced the use of force against Taiwan, the participation of some retired Taiwanese generals in mainland China's national celebrations has triggered resentment among the public.

Chen Ming-tong (陳明通; Chén Míngtōng; born 25 November 1955a) is a Taiwanese politician. He currently serves as the 18th National Security Bureau since 23 February 2021. He previously served as the Minister of Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) in 2018–2021.


  • It (1992 consensus) won't work even if Taiwan accepts the consensus, as (Mainland) China won't accept a free interpretation of 'one China'.
  • The future of cross-strait relations depends on (Mainland) China implementing genuine democratic reforms. That is the best solution to the 'Taiwan issue' that we (Government of the Republic of China) can offer the (mainland) Chinese side.
  • Although (Kaohsiung Mayor) Han (Kuo-yu) and I belong to different political camps, we both possess ROC national identification cards. Like I once said, the distance between the pan-blue (Kuomintang) and pan-green camps (Democratic Progressive Party), however wide it is, is narrower than that between the pan-blue camp and the red camp (Communist Party of China).
  • Exactly what kind of peace agreement (with Mainland China) are we (Taiwan) signing, if we sign one at this moment?