Cai Xia

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Cai Xia (born October 1952) is a Chinese dissident and scholar of political theory. She has taught high-ranking members and officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including leading provincial and municipal administrators and cabinet-level ministers, and is a retired professor of the CCP Central Party School.



"China’s Communist Party is a threat to the world, says former elite insider" (2020)


"China’s Communist Party is a threat to the world, says former elite insider", (August 23, 2020)

  • The relationship between China and the United States is not a conflict between the two peoples, but a contest and confrontation between two systems and two ideologies.
  • What he (Xi Jinping) emphasized was the concentration of power and the absolute conformity and loyalty to the Party's central leadership, He does not allow dissenting voices from within the Party, punishing those who air a different opinion with Party discipline and corruption charges.
  • He's (Xi Jinping) the one who's the most scared. That's why he launched round after round of purges inside the Party.
  • The person holding supreme power always feels that others are plotting a power grab.
  • When reporting information to their superiors, officials often conceal the truth and only report what they would like to hear. The information conveyed upwards is false, and there is no more scientific, democratic, open and transparent decision making. Under such circumstances, major problems will definitely arise in policy making."
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