Busi Mavuso

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South African Businesswoman & Chief Executive Officer of Business Leadership South Africa.She is a Chartered Accountant with the Association of Chartered Accountants in the Uk [[1]] https://www.blsa.org.za/about-us/the-blsa-board/busisiwe-mavuso/


  • “We were obviously shocked and dismayed to read about the reported use of discredited individuals with a tainted history. We had no prior knowledge of this as BLSA. It is also fair to say that we do not support the use of people of that history and if this was actually brought to our attention or we had known about before, we wouldn’t have allowed such a person to participate.”
  • "To simply dismiss the detailed intelligence gathering on the basis that one cog in the investigation process has a racist and reactionary history is neither logical nor is it fair."
  • “When we get involved in this manner as BLSA where we are working with a public institution to provide whatever services they require, we don’t get involved in the appointment of services because then there is something to be said about overreach if we were to get involved in the appointment of service providers. So, the appointment of this service provider by Eskom and Andre was not an anomaly.”
    • [2] by Dimakatso Leshoro 05 May 2... Retrieved 11 May 2023
  • If you want to make changes you can't please everyone and if you do please everyone then you're not making enough progress.[3]