Bidemi Lafiaji Okuneye

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Prof. Bidemi Bilkis Lafiaji-Okuneye, a Professor of Health Education, born on 2nd February, 1972, in Lagos Island, Lagos State. She was appointed on February 2, 2022 as the Vice –Chancellor, Lagos State University of Education Oto/Ijanikin.



"Prof. Bidemi bilkis talk on Important of environmental education"



  • Trees are vital part of our natural environment and an immense contributor to human life. Most often, we plant tree to provide shade and beautify our landscape.
  • We must keep enlightening children on how their decision and daily activities affect the environment. We also must help them to build the knowledge and skills necessary to address complex environmental issues, identify simple, day-to-day actions to improve the environment for a sustainable future.
  • In reality man cannot live without trees as adopting and co-existing in harmony with nature becomes incontrovertible.
  • We must see tree planting as a civic responsibility and be devoted to its nurturing and management.
  • Trees produce oxygen and purify the air we breathe by removing harmful particles from the atmosphere, Studies have shown that by spending quality time among trees and in green spaces, the social benefit of trees to reduce the amount of stress that we carry around with us in our daily lives is significantly enhanced.
  • The distance between matriculation and convocation is quite wide, it is important that the journey ends successfully.

[2] Prof. Bidemi Bilkis at matriculation of LASUED.

  • It is incontrovertible that no education reform is likely to succeed without the active participation and ownership of professional teachers. [3] Prof. Bidemi Bilkis talk on importance of Professional Teachers