Belita Moreno

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Aurabela "Belita" Moreno (born November 1, 1949) is an American actress.


  • When I arrived in Los Angeles and began going on auditions, I was never considered for Latina roles. I was "ethnic" but not decidedly Latina looking. If they were hiring a Latina to play a Latina, they wanted her to "look like a Latina" e.g. high cheek bones, dark skin and a mane of black hair. Well, I just couldn't get arrested by casting directors as a Latina. I think this led to the realization that I was going to have to blaze a trail for myself because I didn't fit into one particular "type."…
  • Teaching, good teaching, is a remarkable gift which I highly revere. One of the saddest things that has happened to education, I feel, is the loss of respect and honor once given to educators as professionals…
  • Most trained actors can pick up a scene and give it a good sturdy first read, but a few coaching sessions does not a trained actor make - a lesson which has stayed with me ever since.
  • I ultimately left with my family's blessing. I didn't really realize at the time how final that trip was for me. I think Texas is beautiful and there is a part of the Lone Star State that I will always carry with me. I am very proud of being Tex/Mex. The difficult part for me was being a very aware child while growing up in Texas in the '50's and '60's. Racism was prevalent. I felt it and saw it in big ugly ways and I felt it and saw it in subtle, painful injustices that affect me to this day…
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