Banke Meshida Lawal

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Olabanke Meshida Lawal is a Nigerian make-up artist and the founder and CEO of BMPro Makeup Group, a make-up and cosmetology firm in Nigeria. She won the award for Brand of the Year at the 2009 Eloy Awards, as well as the Nigerian Event Awards (2012) for Best Makeup Artist and the Makeup Artist of The Year at the FAB AWARDS (2010).


  • Executing with every fiber of your being, putting in your all, and pushing that idea till you succeed, making an impact to society at large.
  • Hopefully, things will change (for the better) and we wouldn’t throw in the towel.
  • It’s very rare but possible.
  • Beauty keeps evolving, trends change, but what has separated us from the pack is the high standard that we place on our services.
  • I have learnt to appreciate people that are loyal to me and have my back.
  • if your health is in danger or you risk looking ridiculous, don’t do it.
  • The world is better with happy people rather than people filled with regrets.
  • One of my mantras in life is ‘as you lay your bed, so you lie on it’.
  • They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder but some still look ridiculous.
  • Beauty is relative and a confident woman would be self-assured on all levels.
  • Never hold anyone responsible for anything concerning you.
  • One owes oneself the privilege of enlightening oneself.
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