Andy Goldsworthy

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My work comes first, reasons for it follow.

Andy Goldsworthy (born 20 april 1956) is a British artist and photographer famous for his site specific sculpture and land art.


  • My work comes first, reasons for it follow.
    • "Residency on Earth" in Art in America (April, 1995)
  • Ephemeral work made outside, for and about a day, lies at the core of my art and its making must be kept private.
    • "Residency on Earth" in Art in America (April, 1995)
  • A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels. Occasionally I have come across a last patch of snow on top of a mountain in late May or June. There's something very powerful about finding snow in summer. It's as if the whole of winter has drained through that white hole — a concentration of winter.
Ideas must be put to the test. That's why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas.
  • Ideas must be put to the test. That's why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas. There is often a huge difference between an idea and its realisation. I've had what I thought were great ideas that just didn't work. Sometimes it's difficult to say if something has worked or not. Photography is a way of putting distance between myself and the work which sometimes helps me to see more clearly what it is that I have made.
    • Interview with Conrad Bodman, curator at the Barbican Arts Centre (2001)
  • My sculpture can last for days or a few seconds — what is important to me is the experience of making. I leave all my work outside and often return to watch it decay.
    • "Stone River Enters Stanford University's Outdoor Art Collection" (4 September 2001)
  • I find some of my new works disturbing, just as I find nature as a whole disturbing. The landscape is often perceived as pastoral, pretty, beautiful – something to be enjoyed as a backdrop to your weekend before going back to the nitty-gritty of urban life. But anybody who works the land knows it's not like that. Nature can be harsh – difficult and brutal, as well as beautiful. You couldn't walk five minutes from here without coming across something that is dead or decaying.
  • "One of the beauties of art is that it reflects an artist's entire life. What I've learned over the past 30 years is really beginning to inform what I make. I hope that process continues until I die.
    • He's got the whole world in his hands, The Telegraph (24 March 2007)

Quotes of others about Goldsworthy

  • One of the most engaging artists to emerge from Great Britain in the last decade. ~ Art in America
  • The skepticism of the art establishment seems to be based on, as much as anything, a kind of big-city prejudice against work so free from urban angst. ~ Lynn Macritchie in Art in America (April 1995)
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