Adjoa Bayor

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Adjoa Bayor (born 17 May 1979) is a Ghanaian former footballer who played as a midfielder.


  • I was overjoyed when I heard the news and I later celebrated with my friends. I believe it's the work of God. I feel proud that my efforts have been recognised but it also places an enormous burden of expectation on me when I play for Ghana.
  • I have never seen female footballers who are lesbians over the years as a footballer. It is untrue that female footballers are lesbians. I never saw my colleague footballers having any sexual encounters. So I will deny the claims and ask the public to rubbish them and treat same with the contempt it deserves.
  • One major problem facing the Women’s League in this country (Ghana) is the lack of sponsorship. I believe they can do better. I would also like to use this opportunity to plead with corporate bodies to come on board and sponsor the Women’s league in Ghana.
  • It was this game (against Nigeria), I wouldn’t like to watch it, I couldn’t eat for about a week. The whole nation (Ghana) was behind us and it was a big opportunity for us to make it for the first time. We had the advantage after Mamunatu saved two penalty kicks but unfortunately we couldn’t capitalize on that. It was a very sad moment for all the players and for me I will say it is the most painful defeat suffered during my time with the team.
  • We must now strategize on how to bounce back strongly as a nation than to crucify members of the team.
  • It's time we allow the women to show their worth, a female for a female team and a male for a male team which is practiced everywhere or better still get the technical directors of the FA to guide her but i will be very surprised if the head coach post is given to a male.

Quotes about Bayor

  • Adjoa Bayor is one of the biggest assets we have as a nation (Ghana) in regards to women’s football. I want Adwoa Bayor to be involved in the team (Black Queens). She can contribute to the team alot. She can be a role model to the younger girls. She can create a huge impact.
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