Talk:Romila Thapar

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  • India has been a wounded civilization because of Islamic violence: Pakistanis know this; indeed they revel in it. It is only Indian Nehruvians like Romila Thapar who pretend that Islamic rule was benevolent. We should face facts: Islamic rule in India was at least as catastrophic as the later Christian rule. The Christians created massive poverty in what was a most prosperous country; the Muslims created a terrorized civilization out of what was the most creative culture that ever existed.
    • V.S. Naipaul,, 15 November 1999 [1]
  • What Romila Thapar will present after research is already clear. She is obsessed with anti-Hindu and Marxist ideologies and has already spread much confusion about India. Then why waste public money for a determined Marxist onslaught on the Hindu civilisation? Hindu civilisation is the most ancient and most important civilisation in the world and much can be learnt from it. Why justify dishonouring it? As a friend of India I oppose it... The fact is you are acting fanatically and your reaction is very revealing. How many times have innocent people been demonised by your inappropriate name-calling? Are there people with a vested interest in denigrating Hinduism based on a need to create a more conducive atmosphere for conversion to Christianity? More converts, more money?
  • Though she was already well-known, her hour of glory came with the unnecessary and artificial Ayodhya controversy. But in that controversy, she was on the wrong side. It doesn’t always come about, but in this case it did happen: justice. The wrong side, though absolutely dominant for more than a decade, was proven wrong. Her major claim to fame is now as the historian who was proven wrong, and this in a self-created controversy. I feel for her, she threw away her good reputation at the end of her career. Then again, she can still win it back by crossing the floor in time. She is in an excellent position, for instance, to create the much-needed dialogue between the different schools and disciplines in East and West; to stop the stonewalling, the guilt-by-association and the ridiculing that obstruct or poison the debate.