John Amaechi

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John Amaechi in 2009

John Amaechi (born November 26, 1970) is a retired English NBA basketball player who currently works as a broadcaster and political activist in the United Kingdom. In February 2007, Amaechi publicly announced that he is gay and became the first player associated with the NBA to come out.


  • I consider myself a pretty rounded guy. I've done pretty elite things in business, sport and academics and all of a sudden I woke up one morning and I'm a 'big, black, British, gay guy'. That was frustrating at times
    • Commenting on people's reactions to him coming out.[[1]]
  • You are axes, in a world of wood. And the wood remembers when it has been cut, even if the axe forgets.
    • in a speech to students at Phillips Exeter Academy, 2007