Giulia Stabile

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Giulia Lola Stabile (born 20 June 2002) is an Italian dancer and television presenter.


  • For a long time I felt wrong: in the mirror I saw these crooked teeth, a bit of hair, thin lips. Now I have learned that the beauty lies in those details. Even in the little space I have between my teeth. My relationship with make-up has also changed: before I couldn't see myself without make-up, I used it as a mask to hide flaws. It makes me angry that many talented dancers still can't find work today because they are a little more curvy. Things are different abroad and hopefully soon in Italy too.
    • Per lungo tempo mi sono sentita sbagliata: allo specchio vedevo questi denti storti, un po' di peluria, le labbra sottili. Ora ho imparato che la bellezza sta proprio in quei dettagli. Persino nello spazietto che ho tra i denti. Anche il mio rapporto con il trucco è cambiato: prima non riuscivo a vedermi struccata, lo usavo come maschera per nascondere i difetti. Mi fa arrabbiare che tante ballerine di talento ancora oggi non riescano a trovare lavoro perché sono un po' più formose. All'estero le cose sono diverse e speriamo presto anche in Italia.
    • Ecco l'intervista a Giulia Stabile, pubblicata su Vogue Italia di dicembre,
  • In dance as in life, no one is perfect. If I think about how many girls who have hidden dreams that they cannot realize because they are not considered suitable, it makes me very angry. In fact, I have a project in mind on this very theme.
  • [You have been bullied. You even came home with a cropped jacket. How do you get over this?] It's hard. I thought it was my fault, I kept it all inside. I got over it just by talking about it. Starting to accept myself and to understand that neither I nor the one who offended me is wrong.
    • [Sei stata vittima di bullismo. Sei anche arrivata a casa con una giacca tagliata. Come si supera tutto questo?] È difficile. Pensavo fosse colpa mia, mi tenevo tutto dentro. L'ho superata solo parlandone. Iniziando ad accettarmi e a capire che né io né chi mi ha offeso è sbagliato.
    • Ecco l'intervista a Giulia Stabile, pubblicata su Vogue Italia di dicembre,
  • [What relationship do you have with your body, as a young woman who also uses it as an artistic tool?] I was skinny and hiding in a large sweatshirt so as not to show it. My mother was worried: If you don't eat, stings. Maybe it was true. Then I learned to care for it, caress it, I discovered its movement, strength, falls, shooting, but above all uniqueness. If you think about it, flaws aren't really flaws. Freckles are cool, cool is the dot on your forehead, even the birthmark so visible on your nose, do not correct the space that opens your teeth, it is only yours, maybe you should treat it as a rarity and think that in reality you are a ' artwork.
  • I keep anger inside, I don't throw it out. It rises when I see someone belittling someone else to value themselves, who emphasizes differences that there are not by criticizing a person who may not be white in skin, homosexual friends. They also alienated me because I had them. But I understood that ignorance is like a stone, you can throw anything at it, but it doesn't break.
  • [Why did you agree to dubbing?] I want to fill my personal and business baggage as much as possible. Basically I'm very curious about everything around me. Lending my voice to an animated film has always been one of those things I wanted to do. I still enjoyed it so much! Luckily I had a great professional by my side like Marco Guadagno who gave me strength and tried to unlock me in some points. It was very interesting and I'm happy with it.
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