Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile

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Late Emmanuel Mutebile

Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile was born on 27 January 1949 and he died on 23 January 2022. He was a Ugandan economist and banker. He served as the governor of the Bank of Uganda, the central bank of Uganda from 2001 until his death on 23 January 2022. He was also the chief monetary, fiscal and economic advisor to the government of Uganda.


  • "I can assure you I am here for the long haul. There's nothing that can take me out of this seat except God. Therefore the public shouldn't worry about the rumblings in Parliament. Tell the markets to remain calm"
  • 'I will ensure that oil money is spent on agriculture and infrastructure not consumption,'
  • Fiscal deficits which are financed by the central bank through the printing of money are much more inflationary than those financed by borrowing from the market as the latter leaves the money supply unchanged.
  • I want to refute in the strongest terms possible that the sale of Crane bank to dfcu was in some ways suspicious or scandalous. Infact, Crane Bank was not sold to dfcu. A sale was not possible.
  • We ordered for 20 pellets if I am to say but what was brought on the Chartered Cargo Plane were 25 pellets.
  • “Saddened to learn the passing of Prof. Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, one of the grandfathers of Uganda’s modern economy. We are better off today because of the reforms he spearheaded and the service he rendered. My sincere sympathies to his family and BOU,” said by Ramadhan Ggoobi
  • “That distinction falls on a select few who get that rare once-only opportunity to help set up institutions during and after the birth of a nation. Dr. Mutebile was a fortunate man. He was the right man with the right credentials who rose on account of his competence that helped cushion our economy from a state of near-collapse in the early 1990s to one where our people can only try to survive on basics of life,” said Mpuuga.
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