Christian David Ginsburg

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Christian David Ginsburg

Christian David Ginsburg (25 December 18311914) was a prominent Bible scholar and student of the masoretic tradition in Judaism. He was born to a Jewish family in Warsaw, converting to Christianity in his teenage years. Coming to England shortly after the completion of his education in the Rabbinic College at Warsaw, Ginsburg continued his study of the Hebrew Scriptures. In 1870 he was appointed one of the first members of the committee for the revision of the Authorised Version of the Bible.


  • The Kabbalah was first taught by God himself to a select company of angels, who formed a theosophic school in Paradise.
    • The Essenes and the Kabbalah: Two Essays, p. 84
  • It is remarkable that whilst the Doctors of the Sorbonne were urging Francis the First absolutely to suppress printing even as late as 1533 and whilst this enlightened monarch had actually issued letters-patent January 3 1535 prohibiting under pain of death any person to print any book or books, and ordering all booksellers' shops to be closed under the same penalty, the Jews should have hailed with delight this invention as a Divine gift and sung its praises because it enabled them to multiply and circulate the word of God.
    • Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible, p. 779
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