Chris Colfer

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Chris Colfer in 2012

Christopher Paul "Chris" Colfer (born May 27, 1990) is an American actor, singer and author best known for his portrayal of Kurt Hummel on the television series Glee.

Personal Quotes 2009–2012

  • “There's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot wrong with the world you live in. And definitely get out of high school and make everyone sorry.”[1]
  • “I love thinking that there is magic in the world, that there are people in the world with amazing abilities that we just don’t know about.” [2]
  • “I hope to write someday and that’s even more terrifying than performing. You don’t just entertain the audience, you give them little bits of your soul.”[1]
  • “I was very different from most kids. I would stay home and write and put on shows when other people would go to the football game, and… I think I just put all that energy into wanting to get out of there and do something with my life.” [3]
  • “My imaginary friends have become my imaginary children.” —Chris Colfer on his characters [4]
  • “I just witnessed an old woman wearing joker make-up and jamming hard to music as she drove her convertible. Yes, I just saw my future.” [5]
  • "There's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot wrong with the world you live in."[6]
  • "Note to self: While on the treadmill you may lip-sync to the songs on your iPod but DO NOT dance along. You look like an idiot."[5]
  • "Every time I get injured I measure it's severity by asking myself 'Would this stop me from going to Disneyland?'"[5]
  • “Don’t listen to what people tell you because they’ll try to bring you down. And don’t listen to yourself, either, because yourself will try to bring you down even more so than anyone else. As long as you just put all your energy into one thing, it can happen."[1]
  • "I'm currently double fisting a vanilla latte and a dirty chai. I've never had coffee before so this should be interesting. Good morning?" [5]
  • “But one of the big lessons I have learned from my journey is you can’t please everyone, so don’t try.”[1]

Interview Quotes


Random Quotes

  • “I feel like little bits of my soul are being shipped domestically.” -Chris Colfer on releasing his first book [7]
  • "I was obsessed with fairytales, and I was a very, very inquisitive kid, and I would ask my mom all kinds of questions. It all kind of formed a story in my head, and I really wanted to be a published author when I was 10, but I had a hard time writing a novel when I was 10, so I decided to wait until I was little bit older and then get it done." -Chris Colfer on how he came up with the idea of TLOS [7]
  • ”I never really learned how to sing. I mean, I think I get most of my experience from just the shower, just annoying my parents to no end, singing loud, having grand encore concerts in the shower. But I’ve kind of been stuck with this high-pitched voice since forever, so I kind of learned how to use it to my advantage. And I can go very low, too. Not many people know that. I went low once on the show and no one believed it was me.”[5]
  • “I think I just want to leave my mark in some way. I hope I leave the world a better place than it was when I came, and I think the best way I can do that is through acting and writing, and hopefully it will make a difference someday.” —Chris Colfer, How would you like to be remembered? [8]
  • “A lot of people would say to me, “So Chris, you were bullied in high school and now you’re famous, so you've had a Cinderella story.” And I’d think, “What? Are you kidding?” Fame is not a solution. I’m a Cinderella story because I was in an unfortunate situation, and now I’m in a place where I get to do what I love.”[9]
  • “A voice that was never wanted has become a voice for so many people who don’t have one.” -Chris Colfer on becoming a voice for LGBT youth [3]
  • “Whether I’m in front of the camera, behind the camera, at my computer writing a novel or a screenplay, as long as I get to entertain someone out there, I’m happy.”[9]
  • “I was very different from most kids. I would stay home and write and put on shows when other people would go to the football game, and… I think I just put all that energy into wanting to get out of there and do something with my life.” [3]

68th Golden Globes Speech (2011)

68th Golden Globe Awards Speech after winning Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Beverly Hills, California, (16 January 2011)
  • Most importantly, to all the amazing kids that watch our show and the kids that our show celebrates, who are constantly told ‘no’ by the people in their environments, by bullies at school that they can’t be who they are or have what they want because of who they are. Well, screw that, kids.Globes Speech.
  • I have my big-boy pants on right now. I'm trying not to cry!
  • I hate to say I'm a Cinderfella, but I've been watching the Globes since I was an embryo. I got a Facebook message from an elementary school friend who said, 'I remember you standing up and talking about attending the Golden Globes when we were little.
  • Now I'm really trying not to cry, but one of the best things, for all the kids who are watching tonight, who don't understand that Kurt Hummel is a character… they saw him win and that's great." -Chris Colfer, when asked about being a gay rights figure.


  1. a b c d [1], Good Reads Book Reviews.
  2. [2], Chicago-Sun July 15, 2012, interview with Chris Colfer; archived.
  3. a b c [3], National Public Radio interview with Chris Colfer, April 29, 2012.
  4. [4], Chris Colfer speaking at American Librarian Association 2012, as told by an eyewittness.
  5. a b c d e [5], Chris Colfer's personal twitter account.
  6. [6],'s Top Ten Chris Colfer Quotes.
  7. a b [7], Chris Colfer Shipping 'Bits Of My Soul' With His Novel 'Glee' star tells MTV News about 'The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell'.
  8. [8], Online Film Review's journalist Judy Sloane pry's information from Chris Colfer at a party.
  9. a b [9], Chris Colfer interviewed by Chicago Kid Journalists.
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