Arin Paul

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Arin Paul (born 20 April 1980) is a Bengali film director and writer.


  • I have a Defined Goal - A Dream - and I am trying to get there. Wholeheartedly, Yes, I leave nothing out. I Believe - The Regrets in Life are the Risks not taken."
  • We passed on the email to the Eastern India Motion Pictures Association. They have informed Lalbazar’s anti-piracy cell. We’ve also informed Bhawani Bhavan and will write to the copyright authorities.
  • Soumitra Chattopadhyay is the only person in Tollywood who has the equivalent stature as of Amitabh Bachchan. So, why does Soumitra always have to be a father or uncle or grandfather, or just have work in serious roles or portray depressing characters? What is wrong if Soumitra acts in a role that is different from the usual roles he plays? If Bollywood can do experiments, then what is wrong in experimenting things in Tollywood?
  • The recent trend of the Bengali film industry is to remake South Indian films. My film had a mockery about that since I don’t believe in remakes. I won’t make a film which is a copy of something. I am very firm in my beliefs, even if that causes me to lose a few producers. There are many people who are making loads of remakes. But at the same time, there are many newcomers who have original ideas, working on new things, and getting producers. It is obviously a bright side of the shoel thing.
  • Though Mitra’s case was different because it was a heart attack, I shudder to think what would have happened if an accident occurs in one of these studios. With no professional medical practitioner in attendance, things became difficult.
  • The FM channels are as popular as TV. People are hooked to the radio all day. So, when the same medium strongly publicises the piece, people are bound to keep listening to it.
  • I always felt that the telefilm directors made wonderful films, which are even better than the big screen movies, but never got enough opportunities to showcase their talents on the big screens.
  • I am insane, with small intervals of horrible sanity.
  • I'm so lucky that he agreed. A fascinating tale.
  • I have also registered complaints against errant taxi drivers. Although they have promised action, let’s see how they’re going to follow it up. But overall it’s a very useful page for commuters.
  • Mani Kaul was one of the greatest auteurs of New Wave Indian Cinema. His films reflected his personal creative vision. Kaul was a man with a luminous mind who pioneered the parallel cinema movement in India. His films explored a new language and expression. Innovative imagery, vocabulary and experimentation were his forte. His debut film Uski Roti was a landmark film in Indian cinema. He was deeply influenced by Robert Bresson, Andrei Tarkovsky and Ritwik Ghatak, though he made a mark of his own.