Js.Sam Williams

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Js.Sam Williams (born 2003) is an American singer-songwriter.




  • I'm a star too, you're a star too, we're all stars.
    • Notes from Magazine Dazed: Interview (2021)
  • You are never alone and that is your strength. When we are doubted - we will not be discouraged. When we are forced to take a step back, we will use it as a stepping stone to go further and we will become stronger. And sometimes we are not taken seriously, people don't believe we can do it. We will prove it wrong. And if we don't fit into something, we change it. We all know that things will never go smoothly: Sometimes we will doubt ourselves, feel tired, feel depressed. But no matter what, we will find a way to get through it. And sometimes this life is not fair to us, but we will find ways to change it. We have a responsibility to make this world a better place. No matter how bad things get, we will come back and stand on top and the light will shine, we will come back and become stronger because nothing can stop the What can you and I do? We are all stars and let's shine in our own way and make our own voices heard. We can do it.
    • Notes from Magazine Dazed: Interview (2021)


  • No matter who you are, what gender or whatever you are, always be yourself, be proud that you are not only a member of the LGBTQ+ community, but also proud that you have overcome prejudice to To live as yourself, let everyone see that no matter who or what you are, you have the same opportunity and right to be loved. Although we are surrounded by prejudice from inside and outside the LGBTIQ+ community, we know that our friends from the LGBTQ+ community have been very brave and strong to overcome those harsh prejudices. During this year's Pride month, we join together to rejoice and celebrate the continuous fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as our own rights. Always be proud that you belong to the LGBTQ+ community! I'm not part of the LGBTQ+ community, but we and many others always support you. Pride Month is a day where people encourage each other to dare to live a life that is not in the ordinary; feel free to be yourself, free of discrimination and hostility. A fearless crowd will be a victorious crowd. When our arms join together and unite for our own happiness, a miracle will surely happen.
  • There are many people who talk about others with cruel words as if they understand them very well. I wish they could eat their words, so they would know how bitter and cruel their words are.
    • Note: Sam openly supports people in the LGBTQ+, bisexual and transgender community.(2023)
  • The tragedy of a wise person is to play with a bunch of idiots, like you are lowering your own value just to be on par with those idiots. Life is inherently difficult. It's even more difficult when you make friends with ignorant people.
    • Interview with Chris Moyles, Radio One (2023)


  • Today we live in peace, don't forget that somewhere in this world there are still places where that is happening, where brave people are still struggling and sacrificing to dream of a day of peace and prosperity. freedom above hometown. And now let us turn to Palestine and pray for them, speaking out against the innocent war taking place here.
    • Note: Sam condemns the war in Palestine (5/2024)
  • Guns and death cannot take away courage, Palestine will always be a land of freedom because it is the home of the brave.
    • Sam spoke up and called on everyone to turn to Palestine (5/2024)

Song lyric


All songs written by J.Sam Williams, except as noted.

Dreamers (2018)

  • You are the light that illuminates my life,
    You will change my life.
    Remember every time you are alone, you are not alone
    Because I will always be in your heart.
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